now i must admit i have broken the odd speed limit in my time but.. i went into bradford today in the car with the wife , it was through the area that has the highest number of uninsured drivers in the uk,and yet the highest number of insurance fraud. in one mile of road as i was passing a line of parked cars ,i was overtaken by 2 people on a quad on the wrong side of the road at speed,into oncoming traffic. a car came the other direction doing at least double the speed limit in a very residential area (think terraced houses and past a school.) as i stopped at the red traffic lights ,3 off road bikes with 5 people on with no helmets came past ,and to cap it all ,3 cars went straight through the red light that i was sat at,and then decided to race each other . i hate going in this area as everybody drives like a dick ,yet you never see police there.
Im suprised the police are ever seen in bradford unless they are in riot vans. i dont think traffic cops are high on the priority list
Like i said in a previous rant, Ken, i am likely to have the plod have a word over my number plate being marginally small, but still readable, but , nothing seems to happen to these c**t`s who are dangerous or blatantly don`t know how to drive or give a f**k!. You know the ones, on the fone, driving rite up your ass, wanting to race you off the lites, driving down the wrong side of the road ,because i am holding them up on my mountain bike, foreigners giving it the `sorry, i don`t speak english, i no understand..
You know why these morons don't get a tug, it's because it's to hard to get a result. Normal law abiding person your in the system, easy to trace, got a job so you can pay the fine, got a family/mortgage so you have more to lose if your licence is lost. Your just a big easy target. Watch out for the foreign drivers, lots of them live/work over here now still driving foreign registered cars and some countries (despite being in the EU) have very lax safety standards.
i honestly think that certain religions should not be allowed to drive or walk on the road ,as their mantra is "if it is gods will for me to die today ,then so be it." but that should not mean they can run red lights or walk into a main road without looking. if you hit a pedestrian in the road ,it is by law ,the drivers fault for not missing them, it doesnt matter if they are drunk ,or just walk into your path, its your fault.