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Apr 6, 2018
May 29, 2012
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Jun 1, 1983 (Age: 41)

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Moderator, 41, from Basingstoke

Staff Member
martinowen was last seen:
Apr 6, 2018
    1. Saeed Hassn 2125
    2. Gary Britton
      Gary Britton
      I have seen on a thread you have helped members set up their warrior lift stands. Can you please send me any info on how to do this as all that happens is that the back wheel lifts up. Thanks Gary
    3. Gts2pro
      Hi please is it possible for people or admin or who ever to change the status to Sold on items if they have sold them because in Parts or items forsale the titles do not say if they have been sold or not, this is really frustrating when you click on the add then to read down that its already been sold or not.

    4. julianh
      Hi Martin I am a long time member of the forum user name Julian I haven't been able to log in for quite a while due to you having the wrong e mail address please reinstate the julian account and delete this one ( julianh)thank you
    5. David Green
      David Green
      Hi guys. Ive got a 2006 Fireblade. I recently lost my keys and havent got a spare. According to the dealers I cant just cut a new key or recode another key to the ECU but have to replace the ECU as well, which is gonna cost a lot. Is this a fact or do anyone know of another way?
    6. sps170373
      Guess you're working nights! Snap
    7. Duncan
      Looking for a rear rear wheel but ideally want gold so would m
      Need to get painted. Therefore how much would you think for the rear. Cheers
    8. dave d
      dave d
      Martin can you copy and paste that pic of the racefit growler as it has a link to my mates facebook page and she probably don't want that seen cheers dude
    9. thefirebloke
      Hi Martin, I have the rider's seat from my RR5 if you're interested. It's yours for £15 plus postage or I can bring it to Ken's with me if you like.
    10. arthurbikemad
      Your in box is full mate:-

      Yes mate LED in HI beam and standard in LOW, only problem is they match the colour of 6K HID kits so look white not like the OEM bulb, I have an 8K kit here for sale looks slightly blue. Arthur
    11. kpone
      Cheers Martin. It doesn't look to have rained all night and the water is visibly less this morning. The one advantage of being on the flood plain is once you stop adding to it, it drains away fast.
    12. kpone
      Just got home and the Exe has overflowed it's banks between us an Topsham right opposite but there are still patches of raised ground visible. It'll all depend on the next two or three days and how may gaps there are between the downpours. North Devon got twatted today and the trains are all to cock again.

      What about your way?
    13. kpone
      I'm just doing a bit of a reality check at the moment as my missus got made redundant from a ludicrously well paid job earlier this year and has roughly halved her salary. So, with the lead in to xmas it'll be my first chance to exercise constraint, as it were.
    14. kpone
      That's good of you mate. The only thing I was definitely after was some new sunglasses but I shall get them mail order now. I missed last year as the two geezers I was going with changed their mind last minute and I was so pissed off, I just couldn't be bothered. This year I resolved to go on my own no matter who asked to come, but I'm on a bit of an economy drive at the moment and it's a spend I could place elsewhere quite easily.
    15. kpone
      It did. It was part of my plan all year but its rapidly falling apart Martin, so it doesn't look likely at this point.
    16. kpone
      I have to come to Basingstoke next Wednesday to install a printer. Not certain if it's an overnighter yet, but if so would you fancy a beer?
    17. samuk
      What do you think about these: Dainese Red Leather Boots Size 6 | eBay