Separate names with a comma.
Is this a cheap chinese copy, a 1R?
I saw these things at the NEC as well. I think you would be safer on a moped wearing an egg box for protection, they are absolute shyte.
Ken if you like a bit of wushu try Ip Man 2 tonight Film 4 at 9.00 pm.
Here's wishing him all the best in his new venture. So many exbike racers fail to make much of an impact in other forms of motor sport after a...
Just watched the 3rd. one with Macau, the 675R test and one of the greatest - King Kenny. So a definate improvement on previous, willing to give...
I always wear my dog tags with Name, N.O.K. phone number, Blood Group, Alergies and N.I. number. Mobile phones can get damaged in crashes, so can...
No that's shouting slowly to make foreigners understand you.
They also do Promach and Ligh Tech so some discounts would be very helpful mate.
Saying it twice don't make it true.
Happy new year everyone. Just watched the Polish family across the road try to blow up the neighbourhood with their fire work display, in the...
On the tropical isle they are continually reclassifying our roads and moving speed restriction zones, we have roundabouts with higher speed limits...
I have spent 40 odd years in noise intensive industries and as a result suffer from industrial deafness, I wish the effects of continuous exposure...
How big do your feet have to be to operate that gear change?
Blind drunk don't work for drink/drive, well it didn't for me. The more respectable you are the harder you are liable to be hit by the courts (I'm...
As everyone else has mentioned plus chain adjustment, then get a Giles gear shaft support bearing fitted.
Try the Criminal Injuries Board, if it still exists. What a pity he couldn't sue the ar**holes that released that moron on an unsuspecting public.
It's the extra weight of all those stickers, even the thin paint on the wheels don't help.
We'd have all the development funds needed if we weren't paying for every other nation on the planet.
Thanks for the pics IomTT they are proper bikes, hulking great air cooled fours in tubular frames. Would have loved to see Stoner and co. muscling...
This stuff has been known about for a little while now. How long before it goes the same way as all our other assets.