Separate names with a comma.
The dearer one looks better to me, make them a ceeky offer, if the price comes down the import duty shown should come down too
Loads on US eBay, search transmission rather than gearbox
good point well made, see you at a track day somewhere, i will be on my c90
I guess it depends on your commute, but generally speaking i don't think there are too many folk would describe a blade as a commuter
Wrong bike for that
Hi is it the same as this system?...
You got it in September and you are still running it in?
never managed to stretch any leathers, i have definitely shrunk a few pairs :-(
Try Electrex, good quality and value
Not sure an owners forum is the best place to try and sell, we all have one I guess!
try the search function
copy the address of the ebay item and paste it into the box that appears when you click on the link (looks like a sloping 8)
bulk of buyers would want to see pirelli metz,dunlop or michelin so anything you save will bite you in the arse at sale time
I have done Brands gp which has a limit of 102db and passed easily with a stock exhaust (2012 model) Not sure why castle Combe are failing stock...
Lay the bike over as far as you can on each side, drains out of all the nooks and crannies then, best done hot because it flows much better
A good used engine probably the cheapest option
any news?