Separate names with a comma.
Don't shoot me but since getting into cycling my blade just hasn't been used (twice this year) and so I'm reluctantly selling it. It is in very...
Ken, is it a prerequisite that permission to build will only be granted if you own two blue Mazda MX5's??
To be fair the old Tuono which I also had did the same with regard to fuel. The smiles per mile rate was excellent though :)
I've tried to use that at least a dozen times but every time get a message saying the chat is offline.
Barstewardsquad you sir are a gentleman :) PM sent.
Are they??
Thanks Barstewardsquad but mines an 05. Thanks for the offer anyway, very good of you :)
I'd spot that straight away given how they spell customer in the first few words.
Guys just a word to the wise. I paid Neverland for an extra screen as the original had scuffs in it. I sent the money three months ago and the...
In the end I got sick of waiting for the special tool to come from the US (it still hasn't) so I went to the local fasteners and bought a M20 bolt...
To be fair I'm sure the censored sign is way too big!!
WT actual F????
Well if the loser has to do a lap naked can the spectating masses get some prior warning please.
New stator and flywheel arrived today and installed. I'm struggling a bit to see the change in voltage when over 5k revs due to my mutlimeter...
I tried to order extra heat shielding from Neverland but gave up in the end due to language problems. Have to say the fairings are excellent...
Im doing the C2C next weekend but I doubt that when I get to Hartside I'll even notice the sign, I'll more likely be looking for an oxygen tent :)
I tried it Rich with moving to a Tuono which was massive fun. After a while though long distances became painful on the neck and shoulders. I...
12 Nm is 9 ft lbs, so I'm on the right lines. Thanks very much, just got to wait three weeks now for the parts to arrive lol
What you should do Rich is donate your exhaust to a worthy ;)