09 missing breather hose

Discussion in 'Maintenance' started by Kevin q, Feb 20, 2024.

  1. Kevin q

    Kevin q New Member

    Jan 6, 2024
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    Hey guys, recently had the tank off to wire a gear indicator to the front. We got a nice day in New York so I put the tank back on and went for a nice ride with the boys. The reason I'm revisiting the fuel pump connections is because near the end of my ride I was just messing around and quickly carving back and forth like i was scrubbing the rear tire and I saw my check engine light flash for a fraction of a second.
    Thought nothing of it and kept riding. When I was a few miles from home I was hitting a big sweeping turn pretty quickly with a good amount of lean and the check engine light flashed and for a second it felt like I got extreme engine braking. Almost like my back wheel was going to maybe even lock up. Almost like I wasnt getting fuel? Im thinking I was near the end of my tank, but my gas light wasn't on. Stood the bike back up straight and stopped at the gas station on the way home to fill her with ethanol free gas to store for a few more weeks until the season starts.
    I'm taking the bike apart again to install a quick shifter and wanted to recheck my connections. From the diagrams I've looked at I have the brown clip on the left side and the black on the right. The fuel hose seems secured. Everything was dry under the tank. In the picture attached you'll see the white plastic tube that has no hose attached. The only other connection is a black tube that connects to a little nipple on the left side of the tank that you really need to stretch to get on. Am i missing a connection to go to that white tube?
    Just to figure out if I'm missing something or if there was a reason I was getting that check engine light and what felt like loss of fuel for a split second. When I had the gas tank off for about a week it was sitting on its side. If anyone can offer some insight that would be great. That sudden power loss on that big turn scared the hell out of me.
    Only other thing on the bike is the ABS fuse is currently pulled until I can bleed the system but that shouldn't effect this at all.
    Thanks from USA.

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