Spotted 2 very nice 1000rr's today in whitby, first at the whistlestop cafe and then filling up at 4 lane ends garage 1 was a 2008 black + white model with a few tasty mods and the 2nd was sprayed in castrol colours and looked beautiful both bikes had my eyes popping out as they were very nice indeed
my mates bike and his friend, seen him this mornin an asked if it was him, he said yeah after throwin a sicky at work
Beautiful. tell him he needs to come up here more often so i can see it again. Have you got pics of the other bike by any chance ?
Hiya fez, ill tell him mate, tho it's up for sale at the mo. not got any pics of the b&w one unfortunately, only got pics of my mates castrol cos it was me who painted it
WOW nice work mate i am very impressed. It looks good in the pics but as you will know when you see it in person it really is a head turner.
Nice one mate, thankyou. He read what you put as your 1st post which made him well happy. He collected his kwak K-1 500 body kit from me this mornin which I've just finished for him. He lives in Leeds an regularly trips to Whitby (one of my favourite uk places by the way)
As my pics will show i have a sweet spot for white blades with white wheels Dont leave the forum mate as your spraying my next blade lol Im wanting a super sic rep but it will take me a year or 2 to save enough money to get it how i want it. out of interest how much would i be looking at for a full re-spray
Hard to say without details mate but the Castrol was £1400 (if my memory serves) for full body kit, wheels and full strip an rebuild. It was the 4th bike I'd done for him too. I'm just in the middle of a TT legends on a 2006 blade for TT Racer on here, hopefully he'll put some pics on here when it's finished
The castrol looks stunning, I don'y usually like anything with green on it but it looks mint. Looks like you do an excellent job roo.