sorry guys i hit the "post " button (i'm allowed in fukin old) further to my last post any ideas as to the value of an 04 Blade it has got a few bits on it in fact bills for £800 i know it dont make much difference but i have the original bits to go back on seriously thinking of getting out of this god forsaken country and joining the "bangkok" girls ha ha, dont all fkin rush to buy it, i need a have a few more smiles on my face before i sell it , i can rent a new house for £111 a month i kid you not and get meself a nice little 125 lol !! and run over by a fkin great cement lorry. bikers ride with no lights on out there, because they think the "evil"spirit" cant get them as they cant be seen, (what the hell is that all about) fkin right they cant be seen. nearly got mown down by one, one night,