I'm selling my Fairings for my 2012 Bike. All parts are there to change evry single panel. Not sure what they are worth so open to sensible offers. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161837686242?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
Somebody is gonna steal them if they get them at £600 or lower, I have a full set of oem SP fairings that I wouldn't sell for double what your looking at selling for!
I was trying to sell a set of black 2012 fairings for £650 and they never sold for that. They had never been on the road, like new. I think if they are used and the right panel is damaged they'll be £550, and upwards if someone really wants them.
Im not that fussed to sell them to be honest. Id rather do it as a whole bulk lot rather than individual as cant be bothered with all the individual wrapping and posting out, and then being left with the bits no one wants. Id rather just keep them and give them to the new Owner when I sell the bike than sell them individually