A benefical side affect of the snow!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by T.C, Dec 11, 2017.

  1. T.C

    T.C Elite Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    Mrs TC has been out in Vienna for the past 10 days visiting her brother who has lived there for over 10 years.

    She was due back into Heathrow tonight about now (7pm ish) and it is my job to collect her and her mother as her youngest brother is too bone idle to get off his arse and put himself out.

    Anyway, I had forgotten until a few days ago that Reading are live on the box against Cardiff, so when she emailed me, I joking asked if she could either come home a day early or stay another day and come home on Tuesday.

    I got a few choice words at that suggestion, as she really only goes out to jeep her mother company and is usuallu bored stupid by about day 5.

    Anyway, got an email this morning. Flight cancelled. She will be coming home tomorrow (Tuesday) as I wanted, but she has to go via Madrid :)

    So departs Vienna mid morning, flies down to Madrid and then a connecting BA flight back to Heathrow.

    So now, she is coming back to T5 instead of T3 which makes life easier with all the changes going on at the moment, and I can now enjoy the game without being interupted.

    RESULT! (y):D

    I assured her that I didn't rig it, honest
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