Yes on a new server. All very quick - not all my work though, had a lot of help! Are your loading speeds better?
Joking aside, my mail PC, where I normally monitor the site at work still insists that we're offline. Even after refreshing and from three separate web browsers. My licketty split print server says we're back up and running but that one's no good because my boss can see it from his desk. ??????????
I've just uninstalled and reinstalled Chrome, cleared all it's settings, passwords and browsing history and still nothing on that machine. IE, Firefox and Chrome. All say the server is being changed.
I was sat in the office bored to tears and thought I would check up on the gang, only to be mortified that you had gone with no Dear John or anything. Now I know it said you would be back soon but that’s what they all say, and they never come back! I immediately checked my bank account to ensure the little I have had not been taken with you. The wife and kids are still here and then, I realised I can live without you, life does indeed go on, the sun was shining off of the snow and all was well? Then you appeared back in my life with a feeble excuse, you have been with other peeps haven’t you, you were going to set up with those Aprillia guys and leave me and the others? Why did you come back, I suspect the grass was not greener and 4 cylinders are better than two. If we are to take you back then things must change, no more wondering, you must have Fireblade eyes only get rid of that Italian charlatan and commit yourself to the CBR. We must all resist temptation, say no to the worldly desires, deaden ones bodily members and do what is right and morel?
It's getting more odd still. In the address bar only is showing. If I put the complete URL in the page loads. If I navigate to another page the www. Part disappears and I get the 'changing server' message again. Are you trying to tell me something?