I'm planning on buying a non-ABS 2014 SP from CJ Ball in Norwich and having it couriered over. Seller describes the bike as 9.5/10 but I'd love a forum member to cast their eye over the bike for me if possible before handing over the money. Here's the SP in question: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201705205654522 Anyone in the area?
10k is a lot to spend on a bike pal without seeing it for yourself. Even a forum member looking at it will be subjective as one persons view of mint is different to another. Can you not get over to view it? Is the dealer shipping it?
I'm in Northern Ireland so it's almost 500 miles away with no direct flights either. I was planning on having a local courier pick it up. Just thought it would be good to get a neutral opinion. Non-ABS SPs are very hard to find!
I understand what you mean - sounds reasonable. So what if someone goes and checks it out for you, and reports the all clear. You then buy the bike and find something wrong when it arrives back at yours. Then what ? - Is it the seller's fault - or the fault of the person who went to check it out for you and said it looked OK ? A couple of average lawyers could probably get through £10k in legal fees arguing over that one !
I have dealt with Chris Ball for years and have bought several bikes from him, including 2 brand new Fireblade's He is a very good trustworthy dealer and only and sells quality bikes.
Think if I was spending £10k on a bike I would want to see it before parting with any money, are you that far away from an airport that has services into Stansted , Southend or Norwich that wouldn't make the trip over worthwhile just for your own piece of mind ?
Why is it 9.5. If it's what your looking for and having done the research (comparable bikes etc) and you think it's well priced sometimes you just have to trust your gut feeling and go with it What about the warrantee since it will be very difficult if something goes wrong with the bike? Hope you get what you want...
Yeah i second this... proper dealer. Wont sell you crap or talk crap. Do the things you'd expect. When you get a bike from them they treat you really well in the future aswell. Im going to be there next weekend could look for you... but maybe bit late by then. Let me know