Anyone ride after having a Hip replacement

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Remal, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Seen the Surgeon this AM.

    not good news, at the rip age of 35 I will be looking at a hip replacement in the next 5 yrars. Longer if I can put up with the pain

    In short bad hip over many years has damaged my cartridge and meaning it will need to be done

    Fcuked off and worried yes I am

    So does anyone here ride after having a hip replacement? The 2 things I enjoy doing is riding and driving, and don't want to be unable to do this b the time i'm 40-45

    On a lighter note, it could be worse and others have to put up with a lot more shit then I have
  2. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    Okay mate. Not from personal experience but the guy I bought the Ducati from. Had a horrendous pushbike accident. Was dragged under a lorry that never saw him, flicked out from the front tyre over a hedge into a field where he lay unconscious for several hours before he could drag himself to the roadside and flag down a passing car. Smashed to bits he had to have both hips rebuilt. He's in his mid sixties now and looks like he's carved out of oak. He owns 12 motorbikes, a couple of busas (one stretched) a mille, a firestorm, an R1, a Firebolt, a ZZr 1400, a Vmax, a B King, an MT 01 and a couple of XT 500s, one of which he built from a box of bits. He has about half a dozen cars including a Cerbera and a Silver Shadow, all of which he rides and drives everyday.

    Every year, on new years day, he rides his push bike from Exeter to Lands End and he does Lands End to John O' Groats once a year for charity.

    He does complain a bit about arthritis in his right wrist when he rides the R1 though, the pussy.

    Don't lose heart mate. It is what it is and you won't know your post op limits until they're thrust upon you. If it's on the cards then that you have to re think, so be it, but don't pull your hair out in the mean time.
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  3. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    good to hear mate, fingers crossed I can put up with the pain and enjoy the bike as much as I can
  4. megawatt

    megawatt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I ride after a 1/2 knee replacement ! This means a new joint on one side of my left knee where the cartilage has disappeared. Feels better than constant pain. Only really gives me grief after an hour on the bike on the motorway or when it's very cold. You'll be fine mate.
  5. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    I've got a steel pin in my left knee, thanks to the first time I ever tried to wheelie. The only time it ever annoys me I that in 35 years its never once set off a metal detector in an airport, and I've so much wanted to have to explain why it did it, bastard thing.
  6. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    hoping I can manage 6-8 hours on the bike touring as i don't want to stop that to young
  7. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Cant comment on the hip fella but I have a well dodgy left knee after an off on my RD250 when I was 17 which as I am getting older gives me more and more jip in the winter and sometimes pain keeping my foot on the standard high pegs of the 2011 blade.
    I can ask my old mum who has had a hip replaced if she wants a backy to see what it’s like if you want, I am just a bit worried she might enjoy it and I will have to go round to take her out on it again.
  8. thezipsteruk

    thezipsteruk Elite Member

    Aug 12, 2012
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    hiya Remal, and anyone else interested.
    Not quite what you were asking for, but I do have major hip problems, When I was 16 I had a major accident on my TS50 which resulted in pinned ankles, broken leg and most importantly a smashed hip joint (which wasnt discovered till 8 months later :0 ) my left hip joint broke through the socket and lodged unnaturally 2" further up!!
    I now have to wear a 2" heel raise to walk, and distances are impossible......OK, heres the point!
    on the bike, im human again!
    You may be a little bit right on the long tours, but when i mentioned this on this forum all I got back was good comments about 'no worries, do what you can and we have plenty of stops mate!' also the tank on the blade is nice and narrow so good for hips and the riding position is not to crouched. The only thing I/you might change (I did on my 97RRV) was to add some Harris adjustable rear sets I lowered them slightly (more one side than the other in my case, lol)) this helps alleviate and joint stiffness.
    Hope this puts your mind at rest mate.
    Ive included my old X-ray to see what im talking about.
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  9. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
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    May 29, 2012
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    Ok Remal I have had hip and knee at 28 and here is my honest opinion (bare in mind mine are to do with injuries so there are some parts of me that can't be corrected so symptoms may vary)

    I do have discomfort when riding, the could be alot better by riding a different style Of bike but I love the blade so I put up with it. You will possibly find you can't ride as far and be a bit stiff when you come to a stop, cold and damp days will feel worse, dispite all this I still jump on the bike at the first opertunity because I love it! :D
    The day we met in Poole I had had my op about afew months before and really shouldn't of been riding but I couldn't resit it partly because I'm stupid but mainly cos I couldn't resist a ride!

    Like I said our situations are slightly different but these operations are still the best things I have done they have changed my life and allowed me to do things with my kids I haven't been able to do.
    It may give you some limits but you will learnt to deal with them the overall benifits out way the negatives by far!

    The most important thing is to keep up with the physio as I have had ops where I have not bothered and it really does make a difference.
    I joined this forum which is first forum I ever joined 2 weeks after my knee replacement and it helped me get through some of the hard times, it is a long recovery and you can get a bit down so just keep talking to people and don't bottle things up, feel free to PM any questions mate
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  10. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Thanks all, nice to read and always good to hear some positives from some crap news.

    Seems there is light at the end of the tunnel. Going to make the most of riding with my hip at the moment, and see what the future brings. but glad to hear you can still enjoy sportsbikes evenwith a little discomfort after op's like this

    cheers again
  11. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    As long as the light at the end of the tunnel isn't Blaggers coming the other way.

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