So I managed to get out for a couple of hours, went to our local nature reserve, I feel I got some good shots? And I also learnt when trying to photo birds definiatly use the tripod and switch. So here you go for a quick run round. The Devere hotel. Onto the Mere Thinking of my log burner instalation One of the many twitcher hides around the Mere. Looking North West Rotting fruit. Looking North East From inside one of the hides. A guy built this himself and keeps it stocked all year, a great photography opportunity if you know how, which with the next few pics, I of course didn't.
Zoom lens on full chat, minus tripod equals Moving on. So a brief tour, I took 238 pics and had a quick thin out, I reckon I'm down to 50 or so, I did manage to get some belting images of the children, but sadly I can't share them on here.