Guys, I have just found that AutoSlaap train link went belly up ;-( So, no more cozy night ride to the South. I was on a verge of buying tickets for this summer trip to Italy and Austria.. when the website had frozen. Gosh, so I have to start planning my trip from scratch... Any advice how to avoid long motorway miles while getting South? ;-) With Spain it is easy, ferry. I did that and it's really great. But how about Italy, Croatia, Austria?
Si., Railsavers are the UK sales leg / outlet for the AutoSlaap service as far as I know - This does not look good. My only suggestion is to get on (german railways) who MAY have motorail service to assist , or even SNCF to do some of the route. _______________________________________________________________ MOTORAZR rides this summer no more Delft, April 15, 2015 EETC Holiday Trains BV, the organization that operates the AUTO SLEEP TRAINS to Livorno / Alessandria & COPPER, has decided to terminate its activities immediately. Car trains will from this summer no longer driving. There is no closing operation to achieve more and go too far up the losses. Foreign railways require extreme price increases this year to 30% for delivery of locomotive and use infra. ProRail also raised its rates for 2015 by 50%. And besides, the Swiss franc was 28% more expensive. However, it is hard to our customers hundreds of dollars extra questions. Very unfortunate that we have to take this decision. After all, it also means that about 50 employees will lose their jobs, but also tens of thousands of travelers have to adjust their vacation. All travel money that are already received will be refunded. Our customers are so in any case not financially penalized. More information can be found on from April 16th. Yours faithfully, EETC Holiday Trains BV Leo Weeber director AUTOSLAAPTREIN rijdt deze zomer niet meer Delft, 15 april 2015 EETC Vakantietreinen BV, de organisatie die de AUTOSLAAPTREINEN naar LIVORNO / ALESSANDRIA & KOPER exploiteert, heeft besloten haar activiteiten per direct te beëindigen. De autotreinen zullen vanaf deze zomer al niet meer rijden. Er is geen sluitende exploitatie meer te realiseren en de verliezen gaan te ver oplopen. Buitenlandse spoorwegen verlangen dit jaar extreme prijsverhogingen tot wel 30% voor levering van locomotief en gebruik infra. Ook ProRail verhoogde haar tarieven voor 2015 met 50%. En bovendien werd de zwitserse frank 28% duurder. Echter we kunnen moeilijk aan onze klanten honderden euro’s extra vragen. Heel jammer dat we dit besluit moeten nemen. Het betekent immers ook dat ongeveer 50 medewerkers hun baan verliezen, maar ook tienduizenden reizigers hun vakantie moeten aanpassen. Alle reisgelden die nu al ontvangen zijn, worden terugbetaald. Zo worden onze klanten in elk geval niet financieel de dupe. Meer informatie hierover staat op vanaf 16 april. Hoogachtend, EETC Vakantietreinen BV Leo Weeber, directeur
This is also bad news for the team who work at rail savers in the UK, a good stream of commission lost
Phoned Railsavers this morning, r.e a refund. Surprises, surprise, their offices are closed. An automated message saying that they are trying to negotiate a deal with another firm, but they can't promise. We are away in 4 weeks time, so need to re-schedule the trip as we have only one night to get from Italy to Holland, to catch the boat. Waiting on an email from Railsavers that they "might" be able to use another firm is not applicable to us, as we can't take that chance if they let us know last minute that they can't. Thanks for the post Peter, we had no email or call regarding this, and without your heads up, we wouldn't have known till last minute.