Back to the 70s

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Givover, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Yes flares are back in fashion 70s style but more of concern is that within two weeks if this weather does not improve we will have gas rations WTF its 2013 and one of the super powers of the world is running out of Gas ! Apparently we can only hold about 12 days supply at anyone time due to these idiots not building any more storage depots whilst the French and Germans can hold 100 days of supply ( I thought we had won the war) perhaps not so whilst we are bombing and then rebuilding ever shithole under the sun we have no Gas !.The Russians are currently cosying up to the Chinese this will be so that the Chinese can siphon every drop of Gas and oil coming out of Russia and all we can debate is Gay pissing marriage .Time to wake up .UKIP for me and stuff these fat useless idiots. On a brighter note I did enjoy my youth in the seventies lets hope the music makes a comeback.
  2. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Flares are back?!

    When did they go?!

    Now that is depressing.

    We haven't been a superpower since 1918 mate. We've been skint since then but pretending it wasn't the case. World War 2 bankrupted us almost completely and finally woke up the colonies that the lion was toothless and had no right to hold sway over them. Unlike the majority of Europe the British infrastructure wasn't destroyed by the 1939-1945 unpleasantness so instead of having to rebuild it all from scratch we plastered the cracks turned our backs when it continued to degrade and collapse (I've just been looking at photographs of washed out railway lines from yesterday not 5 miles from where I am now that were built by Brunel for feck's sake, and people are still shocked by it). We couldn't be arsed to find a use for the coal that allowed us to subjugate a quarter of the planet so we pretended it wasn't there and instead we mined the North Sea for gas then exported it abroad as 'too high a quality' for domestic use were not so much broken Britain as absent landlord neglected Britain and will eventually end up as 'begging for handouts based on nostalgic reminiscence Britain'.

    I would seriously consider living elsewhere, if there was anywhere left that would welcome me that I could afford.
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