Thinking of getting a power commnader 5 for my RR8 and was wondering where is the the best place to fit it ???? Ideally I would like to keep under the pillion seat free for carrying wallet, phone etc..... is there any other places on the bike people have managed to mount a power commander ?
Under the pillion seat or under the rider seat next to the battery if you have replaced it with a small Li-ion one. N.B. Under pillion seat gives easiest access for changing maps.
Mine is same place but in a small padded tool kit bag. Not fixed down so just did that to avoid it clattering around, probably not needed though
Are people running custom maps, standard downloaded maps or autotune ???? all thoughts and opinions welcome.
I'm sure everyone will appear and tell you that a custom map is critical, but I'm using a downloaded map and couldn't be happier with it (I've had custom maps on other bikes, but I don't feel the need at all with this bike and map).
I'm the same as JM1, using a downloaded map. tired a couple of different maps from various sites and found the PC download one for my exhaust felt the best. going to get a dyno run to see how it looks and if it isnt too far out I wont bother with a custom map.
JM1 & Phantom what exhaust / air filter combo are you guys running ? Did you download direct from Dynojet ?
Tucked away under the pillion seat on my RR7. Also running a map from Dynojet's website, but I want to get two custom maps made up as I have a toggle switch fitted (baffle in/baffle out).
Leo Vince can (not GP Pro), O2 sensor eliminator & Euro map from DJ website for that can with baffle out