As per the title, looking for ideal pressures for both the tyres in the title. Still have some mileage (about 100 maybe) left in the Dunlop Q's and the PP's are used but with 3.5-5mm left in them. Road only not track.
Awww, I quite like them on the Blade and the I had them on my K5 Gixer thou! Just need to finish them off now to fit the Pilot Powers. That I am looking forward to.
34 front and 32 rear. Had mine set up professionally and they recommended 32 front and 30 rear but I felt that was a little too low for the road.
I run 2CTs 34F/40R take into account your weight too im around the 16 st mark my wife who weighs about 10st runs 36F/36R on her 600RR