As it's a newish bike to me i decided to have a little look under here and there (getting to know the bike). Removed the rear fairing with a little difficulty but putting the shit bag back on was a heart in mouth operation while stretching the hell out of it trying to get it back on so was wondering if there was any tips people had to making it a little less stressful
I've done it a few times now, and it is scary... you just have to remember that the tail unit is designed to flex so that it can be fitted... if there's a less scary way of fitting it, I haven't found it.
I have just taken mine off to fit a new rear light, I know what you mean I was worried enough taking it off but putting it back on I was craping my self! I put one side on then stretched the other side over, I'm not sure if that's the correct way but I saw no other option at the time so just gritted teeth closed eyes and gave it a go lol
the 04-07 models have plenty of flex due to the well built fairings. just dont try it on anything from 08 on as you even look at them and they snap in half as I found out.