I have the single brake line to caliper, then loop over mudguard. This is due to no space to get a double banjo line at the RCS master cylinder to give single brake line per caliper... I need to change the brake lines due to them being a little long after installing Brembo M4's ... and I'd like to go single line per caliper and to do this will need a splitter at the yoke like race bikes? Any ideas where I can source these from? Or a better idea?
I've fitted Brembo calipers and used Hel lines. I managed to have two lines from the RCS cylinder with no issues. Mike at BDS will sort you out a great deal on a pair of lines. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
^^^^^ This. The race setup uses a double banjo from the master cylinder to allow 2 lines down either side. Just measure both lengths and order the lines along with the double banjo & copper washers to suit. Edit: Yes I know it's xmas eve, but the kids pressies are all ready for santa to deliver in the next few hours and there's a mince pie & whisky ready to devour if this bottle of vodka doesn't send me to sleep prematurely in the mean time :-o
I don't want a double banjo at the RCS master cylinder ... the lever won't tilt down enough for me otherwise due to clearance needed... hence my question
You need what's known as an h configuration.... on the left, Hell will make these for you at your requirement length and a fast turn around...you can have the T piece a lot higher so you can attach it to the bottom yoke