Thought it might be easier to have all the main series threads as a sticky for the entire season instead of one every round.... So here it is! Get posting folks....
Cadwell Race one boring as feck proper snoozefest Even the 848s were rubbish I'm going to make a Bacon and Egg roll for late-lunch....That will be better
Got to agree with you, decided not to go today as forecast was rubbish and now see the rain has come might spice up the racing tho!!
my mate will be going nuts in pits he sponsors/helps out chrissy rouse in triple challenge edit FUCK!
No one watch this? Only just caug up with the last race at brands and what a great end to a great season. Just glad hill did not win, not a fan of him. Unsure why
great effort from Shaky , i wanted Josh to win it and with out the shootout he would have but thats the way it goes
Just got back from Brands Hatch........ it was fantastic.......... apart from been a bit cold.Brilliant atmosphere.
Well done to Shakey it was great to see a Sittingbourne rider fight on home soil.He is bloody quick round Brands. Still remember him as a 16yr old at Colwins going past my old work on the back wheel on a customers bike.He didn't give a f*ck. A nice bloke though.