Hi all, new to the site here! I'm afraid my first post is a cry for help... managed to low-side the blade ('08) last week, 100yds after leaving the house, at about 10mph... I blame the damned slippery Super Corsas, an eager right wrist, and a lack of time on the bike (bought a couple months back)... Long-story short: two broken mirrors (even the uphill one?!), cracked nose cowl, broken left footpeg and a scraped fairing I've done plenty of trawling and lurking here but no luck: does anyone know if it's possible to buy sections of the mirrors? I just need the stem section - the bit that bolts to the cowl where the twisty joint is, and bolts to the mirror body at the other end. Hope that makes sense (pics included) The cover, lights, lens etc is all whole, just the twisty joint broke, on both mirrors - obviously did a great job at folding in... It seems like you can only buy the whole assembly? Here's hoping someone has broken the lens/light cover etc and may have the stems intact and ready to sell to me! Any help appreciated chaps and chapesses.
Hi & welcome Your forum name is nearly right by one letter at this rate lol Anyhow's try @vic_ster51 he's a very helpful chap on here when it comes to providing parts Hope it's sorted soon
Hi and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about the spill, looking at things it would be easier just buying new mirrors and will cost between 30 and 50 quid for the pair. Will save a lot of messing about, they come with wiring loom and ready to plug in! You'll widen your search if you go on ebay narurally, if you do there'll be a heap of fairings on there too! You may find something on here but there's obviously not as much choice. One word........EEEEBBBBAAAYYYYY!!!!
Welcome, hopefully you are ok, bike will mend Maybe get in touch with this guy, he might buy a new unit due to trouble sourcing the glass. Then can do a trade on mount?
Thanks all for the welcomes - shame it couldn't be in happier times! Goin' down in a blaze of (Candy) Glory (Red)! Thanks Paulo, believe me i've been scouring fleabay! but totally agree - bought a new footpeg for barely the price of postage, and a DB screen for not much more. Can't seem to find genuine OEM mirrors for much less than £100ea though ... I've not got much faith in the chinese knock-offs... Maybe i need to get better at fleabaying! All good thanks Stu, mainly the pride that's bruised (and the wallet)! Rebuilding the bike is a way of getting to know it i suppose(!), and a good excuse to swap the screen out for a tinted one! Which guy did you mean?
Ah thanks mate. Unfortunately I think the 17-18 mirrors wont fit on the RR8, but I could be wrong? Like the idea though!
Remember it's mirrors and fairings you're wanting to replace, both crash damagable items. So buying cheaper.....or Chinese items is a plausable option. If you were to drop it again you're not going to be as much out of pocket. Myself and other members have had Chinese parts without any problems......it's wheels, brake levers and rearsets/footpegs that are potentially dodgy. Mirrors and fairings are less likely to fail....save your self some money pal
After market mirrors for your year blade on evilbay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Replacem...167465&hash=item5d7a0c31f9:g:634AAOSwjXNaYh4G
Yeah I've seen them - if nothing else then they're probably worth a punt for sub £40... If they're shoddy then maybe think again about forking out for proper ones. I'm concerned the non-folding ones might affect my filtering ability!! London rider priorities right there
Shamefully you cant buy just them stem part (though it unbolts about 3 inches up from inside the mirror stem) You have to get the whole mirror part just for the stem, its stupid! The indicator, wiring and front cover you can buy seperate. I have a whole box of mirror parts but out of the stems as this is the most common bit to break. You could buy just 1 chinese foldable mirror and just use the stem with the rest of your good oem mirror. Or look for damaged mirror with good stem. Normally oem mirrors go for anything from £40-£60 a side condition depending
Sounds like you're a useful man to know! I have been very helpfully sorted out by another member and have the OEM mirrors from his soon-to-be track bike winging their way towards me. Thanks for the help, all! I think next up are some crash bungs etc... though "shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted" does come to mind... Hopefully next post will be in a cheerier tone!
I'd go with engine case covers and a another set of fairings to keep your originals mint, not keen on crash bobbins.........but as you just said, 'The horse has bolted' haha I quite like that saying