Cadwell July 17th

Discussion in 'Trackdays' started by Muffking, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Normally I add a new post before a trackday rather than after, but this was very much a last minute thing.

    After changng the fairings on my Blade to the track fairings that some of you may have seen, I decided to get the Blade noise tested before booking Snetterton on 28th with Simon. So I rode to what was a fully booked Cadwell at around 10:30am and asked to be noise tested in advance of No Limits going to Snett. However, the Blade blew 103db with a gutted Honda can, which is too high for Snett's 102db limit, but low enough for Cadwell's 105, so the nice chap from NL offered to let me join the Novices for the price difference of £70, result! They had just started their 2nd session as I was filling in the forms and was allowed to use the last few laps of the 2nd session as my sighting laps.


    During lunch, as you effectively get 1hr 40 mins before you're due back on, I took a ride in to Louth for fuel and food, then in the afternoon I managed to get a session with an instructor to help me work on a few things, although I have to say these PR4's may be for touring but are still better than me.



    What a great way to do a track day, rock up late, head out for lunch, get some tuition and ride home. Other than that I goosed what was left of my brakes, but postie must have known what I was up as he had left me these for when I got home :D
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  2. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Also spotted a lovely RR4 while there.
    Anyone's here?

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  3. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    I know i shouldn't, but just for you guys ;)


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