Just fitted my QS and wanna set it up properly and spend a little more time on the R6 before brands. Anyone fancy it?? Haven't booked yet but weather is supposed to stay good.
Oh no dont tempt me! Ive got the works van all weekend. Mallory on the sat then off to cadwell on the sunday? Hmmmm
Two questions 1. Can I plug my tyre warmers into your genny? 2. Im tempted to drive to cadwell Saturday night. Can you get into the paddock and kip in the van?
Ill be in the inters. Itll be good to have another go there. Last time was 2010. Long overdue this! It should take about 2 hours from Leicester so ill be there around 7-8pm. Does it cost anything to stay in the paddock?
I do remember seeing a sign saying that it was a tenner to camp overnight, but i would have though kipping in the van would be ok. I'll check my plans too, can't promise as SWIMBO is booking things on my behalf
Just checked, they still have some space in the Novice group on Sunday, but feck me it's only £69 for the Monday
No track day for me, however I might take a ride over and say hi, I'm free all weekend and will ride if the weather if dry?