Don't know how many of you are formula one fans, but is it just me who thinks it's been ruined with all these new rules and cars. Worst thing is the cars, they sound shite. The sound of the old cars was always awesome, with them screaming 'v's but now they sound awful. Far too quiet and not as impressive. I used to love listening to the start, all those engines revving at max chat and then shooting off the line screaming their nuts off, gave me goose bumps. On the up side though, vettel didn't finish, that cheered me up a lot, but poor Hamilton had to retire. I hope it gets better.
I agree. Utter crap now. As a comparison the fastest lap today was 8.5 seconds slower than Schumacher's lap record 10 years ago. This is supposed to be F1. Fast as you can go. Not a bloody economy run!!!
I quite like the new noise from these engines and the new rules seem to have evened out a lot of the teams (with Merc engines). I thought it was actually an entertaining race.
Yea the noise sounds like a flat fa*t compared to all previous years, don't mind all the techy stuff though.
I'm a huge Motorsport fan. 2 or 4 wheels Having watched more of the 3 practices, quali and the race I bloody enjoyed it. Yes the noise could go up to 12 for me. A little quiet but with the new tech it's going to take them some time to get quicker. Just the technical side it's been amazing. Racing 57 laps with 30kg less fuel. And a good race with lots going on I cannot think of anything. Better.
I have added this but would have thought. Any thread with F1 in the title the same day as the race may contain something people don't want to see. Why I kept off Facebook and this board until after I finished work and watched the race
I was going to start a Crimea referendum thread, but I was afraid there'd be a spoiler telling me the outcome... I suppose now they've actually had the vote it's safer to post the result...
I agree 100% and I dont watch it any more. They could call it "eco-formula1", drive slow, save petrol , dont forget the db-killer and you will be the winner. Does not make sense for me at all, where is the fun, the sound, the excitement? I did fall in sleep when I "tried" to watch it.
I've always hankered for an absolutely unlimited class in motor sport. Like they do with pylon racing. Something where you can put ground effect fans, six wheeled steering, rocket packs, even fricking sharks with lasers on their fricking heads. Yes, yes, I know Group B came tantalisingly close, but I'm talking hard core here.
F1 the pinnacle of motorsports.........WTF! They have introduced a cost saving exercise supposedly , which has put budgets through the roof, then limited teams to just 5 engines, with technology that is not hardened yet, that have all the aural satisfaction of a wet fart after a Friday night Ruby. Mercedes felt confident in their powertrain as early as Q2 last year. So many Euros have been thrown at it, it dwarfs the combined effort of Renault and Fiat (Ferrari), sum result was an unexpected issue for LH but a walk in the park for Rosberg, procession not a race, God forbid we go into a period of Merc domination like the recent Red Bull era.
I understand why they bring in all these new rules to level the playing field a little bit but to me f1 cars should be as fast as physics allows not a rule book