Cookstown 100

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by bry641, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. bry641

    bry641 Active Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Cracking days racing yesterday, managed to get my dome and face burnt.....
    Bit of a shitty start when apparently the brother of the mcadoo racing team boss decided to park his tractor and trailer across the circuit in protest at something or other.

    All results here so thread isn't a spoiler
    Downloads | Race | 2012 | Race Results
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  2. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Some muppet did the same to us on a night rally once. Backfired when every car detoured through his farmyard. He called the police in the end and got a bollicking of obstruction.
  3. bongo

    bongo Active Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I had a few mates in it, and my old R6 was in it too with a mate on it!

    Nige Rea, broke his collarbone :(
    Oliver Dupuy, his first road race ever, on my old R6, got 3rd in support B
    Scott Campbell, won on SV650
    Alastair Bayley, 2nd in 400's

    Wish i was there!!
  4. bry641

    bry641 Active Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    here is a tweet about stephen mckeever who came off at cookstown.........
    i think response times from everyone concerned saved his life
    Rj Woolseyposted toTandragee 100 Road races

    hi everyone, i was at the royal victoria hospital last night to speak with Tony and Geraldine McKeever, the parents of Stephen. Firstly they would like to thank everyone who played their part in the quick response to the incident, Davy Rolson the flag marshall, who had the sense to stop the race immediatly, without questioning. the marshall on the radio, who immediatly called " red flag, joeys dip, medical team immediatly" , and of course the quick response from the medical team.............from the red flag until the medics were at stephen, was less than 90 seconds, and i have no doubt in my mind that, that is what saved this mans life.
    Stephen is; "critical but stable condition".
    he has a puntured lung, broken vertibrea in his neck, broken vertibrea in his back, broken ribs, a broken leg, severe head injuries.

    However, the head injuries which was the biggest concern, due to the helmet coming off on impact,are slowly healing, healing enough to allow doctors to soon operate on his back injuries. we were told last night that he has movement in both his arms and legs. Gerldine says he is a fighter, always at the gym, and keeps himself in good psysical condition, doesnt smoke or anything like that, so all these small things are a big help when recovering with injuries such as this. Mr and Mrs McKeever are two lovely people, they have donated Stephens entry to the injured riders welfare fund, they have also said that they do not blame the club in any way, and that they will eventually, individually thank everyone who played their part to help Stephen.
    #4 bry641, May 9, 2012
    Last edited: May 11, 2012
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