Hi guys, I've just bled or 'burped' my coolant system. I had a fair bit of air come up when doing it so I'm pretty certain I had an air lock in there. However I still have coolant coming back past my rad cap even from cold. everything seems normal, temp etc no leaks anywhere. Has anyone got their right side panel off at the moment so they can see if they have fluid coming back from cap when started? I'd hate to think my head gasket is in trouble..
So what was your initial issue? Overheating ?coolant loss? Why did you need to bleed the system. Simple steps first. Maybe just a failed rad cap.if it's not keeping pressure it may be allowing the coolant to boil creating air locks.
The initial issue which I forgot to mention was that coolant was leaking out the bike after a ride, since bleeding it has stopped but I just wandered if it was normal to push coolant back past rad cap from cold. Not over heating, just literally just the coolant coming back was the only remaining question
So its either pressuring and pushing past the cap. Or a weak cap. First and cheapest thing I would do. Is change the cap. Maybe be the seal is poor or weak. If it continues you'll need be more involved.