Firstly, can anyone tell me the best oil to put in my rr4, I ride it pretty hard and have looked around and there's a lot or recommended oils. I want the best possible for her, she does get a hard life. Also, would dot 5 brake fluid be a wise move as I am getting a lot of brake fade lately but it's on 11k so not far off a brake fluid change.
Brake fluid should be changed every 2 years. I use Castrol Power One in mine, but any decent brand semi or fully synthetic should be fine. Cheers, Ian.
Dot 5 is a lot different from 4.1 and co as I believe it is silicon and not glycol based. I'm sure someone can give a better explanation why, but basically stick with 4.1. As for oil, at 11k I would say use semi synth, but fully synth won't hurt, and I would use fully synth after about 15k.
Castrol Power one racing Fully Synth is good although I have just last week used Silkolene Pro 4 Fs I tend to change mine every 2k ( just because I want too)
I was told by a Demon Tweeks Rep that if you use Fully Sin then you can't go back to Semi? If so, why is this?
never heard that before, maybe getting confused with castor style race oil that when mixed with other oils congeals to a tar type substance that then blocks oil tracks and wrecks the engine.
There are several odd occurrences swapping between mineral and synthetic that I don't even begin to understand. I remember my Celica never burned an ounce of oil and I asked my mechanic to put synth in it. Within a week it was burning oil like it was petrol. When I told him, he got it back as soon as, flushed it out, put mineral back in and hey presto, back to normal. As to brake fluid, yes, .5 isn't compatible with systems designed around .4, but .5.1 is. That's the high temperature stuff so I've been told.
well car oils are a whole new ball game. you cant mix the VW long service fully synth oil with normal semi synth.I tried to tell the brother in law this when he was buying cheaper oil for his audi TT, needless to say the engine went bang not long after.
thanks for advice guys. just need to make sure i'm getting the right stuff cos she gets abused, the last thing i want is for her to go bang. I'm not sure what oil it's been running on as i only bought her in February. think i'll look into the .5.1 brake fluid cos the brakes do get hot on her. don't suppose anyone's ever attempted to do the valve clearances on one, how big a job is it?