Cutting out and not starting

Discussion in 'Maintenance' started by Fletch, May 24, 2013.

  1. Fletch

    Fletch Active Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Alright chaps,

    i want to call on the wealth of knowledge that is you guys

    Took the blade (2009) out tonight for its first (proper) run.
    It's had little short runs before with no problems at all.

    So cold started it tonight no problems at all.
    Drove about a mile to where i was meeting the other guys and switched the bike off while i waited.
    The guys arrived and the bike would turn over but wouldn't restart
    Tried to push start but couldn't get enough behind it to get it going
    eventually jump started it with leads (to another bike wasn't enough but a car battery got it going)

    Did about 20 miles, stopped for fuel, same problem as before.
    This time it offered to start on a couple of occasions but wouldn't stay running
    eventually got it going by holding the throttle just a little open so when it started the revs picked up a little

    Did another 40ish miles on one occasion it died and the engine management light came on
    when i got home i switched the bike off and she restarted but was a little hesitant
    then i pulled the seat off again put the multi-meter over the battery, 13.4v switched off, 12.6v ignition on, and 13.7v engine running (but only running for a few seconds)

    As the bike is turning over my gear indicator (plugs into diag port) is flicking through the numbers as if it has had the power removed and re-applied

    My plan is to optimise the battery over night, because it hasn't been on for ages because of where it was stored.
    Then once everybodies kids are out of bed again i will run her up and check battery voltages.

    I'll change the battery for a new one as part of my test ... then my plan is to send it to honda for them to fix!

    However if any of you guys have anything i should check before i open my wallet please let me know!
  2. derick

    derick Active Member

    Mar 1, 2013
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    Sounds like the battery isn't holding enough charge to start the bike for a second time. Usually with fuel injected systems the igniters won't fire if the voltage is below a certain level. A good run will likely help is along with running an optimise over night but you may be looking at a new battery in the medium term. To confirm you would need to check the voltage when it's not starting.
  3. Fletch

    Fletch Active Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    The Optimiser has asked cut out and will not charge the battery... Red light next to warning triangle

    Have pulled it and plugged again to see if it will happen again

    New battery tomorrow if I get time
  4. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I've got a trickle charger, not optimate, and had it on the wife's nsr battery for a week after it had sat for 2 years+. It wouldn't charge it properly and would sometimes say the battery was goosed. Plugged the battery into a normal battery charger for a couple of days and then it was fine. Might be worth a go.
  5. Fletch

    Fletch Active Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    I haven't got a proper charger... And a new battery is only £30, which is probably the same as a charger

    Once I bung the new battery in, I'll take the battery up to my mates place... He had a discharge tester and see how bad it is

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