Digital SLR

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ColinBR, May 18, 2012.

  1. ColinBR

    ColinBR God Like

    Oct 8, 2011
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    Hi guys

    I've been given a loan of my sisters camera for the weekend and I plan on making the most of it with a trip up north on Sunday. I've never used a DSLR before and was wondering if I need to know anything on taking descent landscape shots, or being an noob am I better off just using the auto function. The camera is a Nikon D60 if that matters. I know it's at the lower range of SLR's but it'll be more than enough for me.
  2. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    If you had it for more than a weekend Col' I'd be waxing lyrical about switching everything off and exposing manually, experimenting with using the aperture settings to control depth of field etc etc. but on a 48 hour pass, switch all the toys on and let the technology do the hard work. If its got an exposure compensation setting, set it to under expose by a third of a stop (always shoot digitally as if you're using transparency film), then see how you get on with full auto.

    Remember, too much sky will make your foreground muddy, and the wider the angle of the lens, the more impact your landscapes will have.

    If, by Monday you're still enjoying yourself, do a new birthday list.

    Nothing you've shot before will compare.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. MrB

    MrB God Like

    Mar 17, 2012
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    Agree with Ken, however you may find a cheaper compact might perform better than a DSLR set to auto.

    Have a fiddle, with the camera.
  4. ColinBR

    ColinBR God Like

    Oct 8, 2011
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    Thanks guys

    I think I'll go out and have a little play tomorrow as there is a couple of lenses there to try and suss out. I've used compact cameras before and they're ok. But every time I look at the pics I feel a little disappointed as I know it could be so much better.
    It would be a pity to see all that scenery and be let down by half ersed pics.

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