Dutch TT trip, 2016

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Mattie660, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. Mattie660

    Mattie660 Elite Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    A six day trip - two days there - two days of racing - two days home. And for me a 1,700 mile round trip.

    Staying in Motels on the way there and back, and camping at Camping De Weyert, Rolde, which is near the circuit and a 10 minute bus ride into town.

    It was this trip, last year, that convinced me to upgrade the VFR800 to something a bit bigger, and so this trip last year was the reason for getting the Fireblade - dash across Europe to a race meeting, carrying a tent and stuff, and then dash back again. No mechanicals, no grief with the bike - just the job.

    Stayed at a couple of low cost places in France, that I have not used before. Very good they were, and came in at about Euro 40-55. I will keep an eye out for them again, recommended.

    [​IMG]Premiere Classe Hotel by 660 Mattie, on Flickr

    Parked outside reception, right in front of the CCTV !
    [​IMG]Fasthotel by 660 Mattie, on Flickr

    Weather was changeable. This heavy rain, and thunderstorms passed mostly during the night, clearing to hot sun and rain again.
    [​IMG]Rain on the way by 660 Mattie, on Flickr

    Went down to breakfast in a little Motel in France, and this was on the TV as I walked in - Independence Day.
    [​IMG]Independence day by 660 Mattie, on Flickr

    Arrived at the camping De Weyert in good time on the Friday, put the tent up, and cleaned the dead bugs off the bike. Had a shower and went into Assen, by bus. From this campsite in Rolde it is 10 mins by bus to Assen Train Station, and a Euro 20 taxi fare home, from the taxi rank outside the station - easy.
    [​IMG]Camping De Weyert by 660 Mattie, on Flickr

    You have to go into town on Friday, as it is a big deal for Assen, big festival, lots of people, not just bikes. Great atmosphere, a couple of beers, some food, in the sunshine. Lovely evening, that started with lots of bikes riding around a closed loop - not racing, just riding round for the crowd.

    Nice looking Fireblade
    [​IMG]Nice looking Fireblade by 660 Mattie, on Flickr

    This year the racing was moved to Sunday for the first time in the event's long history. I suspect in order to increase the attendance and money making for the event. Race day is still the big day and appeared to be sold out, even in the dodgy weather.

    The main event was Red Flagged after a few laps, because of the heavy rain. It really did rain - the track was flooded. The size of the rain drops seemed huge and seemed to beat you down, hunched up, thinking this is game over - may as well head home. But thought, may as well stay, rather than go back to a wet tent on a campsite !

    60 - there were times when they were not doing much more than that on the track !
    [​IMG]Rain by 660 Mattie, on Flickr

    The crowd were a laugh. There were several beach balls being bounced around - people singing, wearing T-shirts and sun glasses in the pouring rain - laughing - quite British in that respect. One of our beach balls ended up track side and a Marshal had to collect it. Very good atmosphere.

    The rain cleared, and the sun came out and racing resumed. Lorenzo had a very odd race, as he pottered along at the back. I have never seen him going so slow. Crutchlow fell over, as usual, as did Rossi. Marquez rode a smart race, and my estimation of him has gone up.

    Miller was going too quick to be challenged safely, for the lead, so Marquez made sure he brought it home in second place, and bagged a load of points. They were tough conditions, and Marquez showed he was up to the challenge. I kept expecting Miller to fall off !! but he showed great skill.

    [​IMG]Heading home by 660 Mattie, on Flickr

    On the way back through Belgium it was misty rain, and horrible rough roads that looked greasy and horrible. Entered Belgium near Maastricht and came out on the road to Reims, via Liege. It is the quickest route across the country - something to just get done - big relief when back in France !

    So Assen to Troyes in France in the first day, then Troyes to St Malo in day two. Easily 350 mile days each, mostly lying on the tank - but the rearview is compromised with the luggage on the back. One time I was overtaken by a white Police car that was obviously in a hurry to get somewhere, and was not bothered by me. I did not realise it was a Police car until he passed me !

    Another time just happened to be trundling along this long straight 50 kmh road, when I noticed I was being followed very closely by a blue Gendarme - I just happened to be trundling along looking for a Motel !! Lucky on both counts. But, rear vision is a bit compromised with a big bag on the back.

    Anyway, all home safe and sound. Top bike that Fireblade.
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  2. bradt

    bradt Elite Member

    Nov 6, 2013
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    Sounds brilliant mate .
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Repsol Rob

    Repsol Rob Elite Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    First Time for myself with some mates....we chose a Le Accor Hotel in Gronigen for the Friday and Sat.... although barrier protected we were asked on race day "Are you one of the persons who had bike stolen" !!
    thank F it wasn't..... without stealing any of the thread we had a great time and they def know how to look after bikers..... despite the rain..... on the Sunday after the racing we rode over to Amsterdam......and all I can say is what happens there stays there !! what a place !
  4. Mattie660

    Mattie660 Elite Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Say no more about what went on in Amsterdam then !

    Just wondering how long before the event you booked the Gronigen Hotel. Because of the weather I thought to maybe stay in a hotel instead of the campsite, but everything seemed booked up (but I did not check Gronigen).

    Wonder what kind of bike it was, that was nicked.
  5. dessp2

    dessp2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Brilliant write up and wonderful pictures. I love going to the Dutch TT (I don't think my liver does)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. danthorrr4

    danthorrr4 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    thanks for spending the time doing a write up. For people that haven't ventured out of the UK on their bikes these review are very useful and make for a good read :)
  7. Greco

    Greco Active Member

    Sep 18, 2014
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    Mattie, i enjoyed reading that. Good on you mate. Nice trip
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. Reddevil007

    Reddevil007 Active Member

    Apr 8, 2016
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    We went us we have done for last 5 years and as usual it didn't disappoint. If you want to have a slightly shorter journey home stay somewhere like Zwolle or Utretcht. Both lovely towns with direct train routes to Assen. We stayed Utretcht this year and last. 46 euro return on the train and means you can have a few beers at the track on the race day. Usually we then drop into Assen town for a few hours and train back at 9.00ish. However with being so wet we went straight back to Utretcht got changed and went out for food and drinks there.

    Monday morning left hotel about 9.30 and arrived at tunnel about 1.30. We didn't rush, stopped when we wanted and was pretty relaxed. Only problem this year was on the tunnel coming out train driver braked hard entering France and mates S1000rr ended up trying to mate with the Merc in front
  9. dessp2

    dessp2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Seeing a motorbike on its side like that is such a horrible site.

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