Does anyone have any ideas for what I can use or try to affix? I don't fancy wearing through my leathers and lets face it, now I know I can do it I'll be trying it every time I get on track.
Strange one this ,I seem to wear the paint off the edge of the wheel rims ...but just can't touch the elbow down ,it's costing a mint in re sprays
Not tried on the blade as I've only had it on track once and it was wet at Oulton. I'd not recommend trying it without the right tyres (Michelin Power Cups (A compound front B compound rear)) and well set up suspension (Ktech internals front and spring rear). I first did it on accident when trying to drag the bike back to the apex at Melbourne hairpin at Donny this weekend then managed it on purpose a few times after that.
I've been trying to work out the lean angle and I recon its about 52 degrees from vertical. But back to the main question....has anyone got any ideas of how to attach some form of elbow slider that won't look crap?
But I will ask on forums to see what people suggest Where can you get Elbow sliders from - PistonHeads done
Whilst it looks impressive Andy, and it really does look impressive mate is it helping you speed up your lap times?? I know the very top racers in the world tend to drag their elbows but its not as common amongst the fast club riders that I've watched.... My point is this and i mean no disrespect, if your one of the top five racers in whichever group you race in then there is obviously some benefit as its assisting you with faster lap times, but if your at the back of the group then is it just posing for the sake of posing?? Like you i will be racing and would love to have a few pictures with my elbow dragging but if in fact its not helping me go quicker or worse still slowing me down then its just something i wouldn't worry about...... Still a fantastic photo
Andy been suggested to look at the makers of your leathers stockiest to see if they can get them or try and custom leather make how may be able to mod the leathers if you need. BKS is only in Exmouth and I have dealt with them or people like Scott or Hideout
Matt - just in that corner I did find myself rolling off the throttle mid corner if there was someone close in front as I was closing up on them but I think overall because of the exit it slowed me down slightly. There's no doubt that greater lean angle = faster mid corner speed but you have to consider the whole corner including entry & exit. I was only doing it when not pushing as hard (sounds daft) due to being 4-5 laps up in the endurance and just wanting to bring it home or having no chance of catching up in the MG600. (So yes - to pose at them times ) I'm 6ft on the dot.
I done it at Rockingham on my rr6 blade on the big big left hander but i felt like i was gonna drop off bike ha ha
Had a read through that - pissed myself laughing. "The lean angle isn't that great" on an off camber corner with my toe sliding... Yes I was showboating and yes I know it's not the quickest way to attack that corner. As for 'hanging off' like a monkey