Meet 9am this Sunday 6th April at Mc D's Springfield (just off the A12) Chelmsford assuming its dry. Coffee/Breakfast/Smoke, then ride out to Finchingfield (pretiest village in Essex) suggestion from Ian that we go via Haverhill. Rob from Kent will also be along, assume he can get through the border at Dartford ! Please can you post if you will be coming along. Cheers
I'm trying to convince the wife that I still have a pocket of "Sunday Bike Riding" tokens to spend. Thing is.... I've been out every Sunday for the last 5 weeks (all day'ers too) so I,m not expecting a good response!! And to top it off my Brov has informed me that the weather this w/end will be pants!! ( don't ask me how he knows ....but he do'es wink wink) All I can do is see how the wife's mood is towards the end of the week and then I might be able to commit .
I'll pop along and meet up with you guys nearer Haverhill if I can get over. No long haired generals ruining my weekends
Myself and the wife will be along. She will be on her CBR 125R Repsol. She's CBT only at the moment so just to confirm we aren't going anywhere near dirty motorways are we?
I'm in ................... weather dependant!! I will need to be back to see the 'beholder of the purse' by 1(ish) so definately not all day
Sorry Steve, I won't be able to make it this time as I've gone and twisted my ankle at work and been signed off for a couple of weeks! Thanks for the text yesterday but I was at A&E so didn't reply. On the upside, the naproxen and co-codamol are keeping me chilled...
Rob sorry to hear you can't make it on Sunday, but mate wish you a full and speedy recovery. If this one goes OK will do another meet in the Summer.
So far then rewy rr Navy 10 Haggler Nick rr + mrs Nick rr Lillywhites Bradt Essex Blade Ian + others Must be some other essex blades who want to meet up ? Forecast not looking to good, but will post again Saturday pm