False Neutrals

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by Remal, May 26, 2011.

  1. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Quick question regarding the above.

    Most of my 1300 miles have been slow'ish. Went out a few weeks ago with a good friends and was making good pace. faster than I normally go but still enjoyable.
    Mostly 1st and 2nd gear on some lovely roads. But suffered with a few false neutrals. Once or twice they were rather interesting at speeds to say the least due to the lack of engine braking.

    Anyone get this when going quick? and anything I can do other than make sure I really kick the bike into gear

  2. GSP

    GSP Active Member

    May 1, 2011
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    When you say falso neutral... do you mean just between 1st and 2nd? As thats probably just being a bit limp footed.

    A proper false neutral is the bike dropping into neutral say, between 4th and 5th or 5th and 6th... somewhere where it really shouldn't

    My Ducati used to do it all the time and it puts you in some right dodgy situation. Never had in on the blade though even when giving it some hammer.
  3. jj205mi

    jj205mi Active Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    Never heard of this problem on any of the blades. How does the box feel? do you have any problems selecting gears?
    have you checked your chain adjustment? (this can affect gear selection)
  4. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Cant say i have. Im normally in 3rd and 4th on windy B roads, maybe 2nd on tight bends and 5th on long straights . Never had a false neutral and im ringing its neck
  5. JM1

    JM1 Active Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Never had a false neutral on my 08.
    Never had a lack of engine braking either?
    P.S. I _never_ use first except when pulling away (although my gearing is shortened a bit).
  6. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Was only between 1at and 2nd. My speed triple used to get false neutrals in most gears but the box is known to need a good kick. this was only when riding hard. My blade gearbox is sweet now it's getting miles on it. must just be me.

    Just out of interest, JM1, why not use first much. even with shorter gearing. I had 98 (on a private road in first) you could ride everywhere in first if needed with gearing like that. My triple would only do about 60 in first so still getting used to a tall first gear
  7. JM1

    JM1 Active Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I find 2nd gear gives more flexibility and room for error.
    1st is too sensitive and upsets the stability of the bike.
    When I'm going slow enough to use 1st, I'm generally in traffic and don't need or want to accellerate too fast (although WOT in 2nd will pull your arms off anyway).

    ...And just to complete the conundrum, I hardly ever use 5th or 6th either, for the opposite reasons.
  8. Bikeracer1098

    Bikeracer1098 Active Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    Not had any false neutrals on mine!!

    Had false neutrals on other bikes though!!
  9. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    You don't want to be riding round in first gear. Pulling away and that's it. If your gonna wreck the box it will usually be 1st or 2nd.

    Your riding a litre bike not a 125 so no need to raz the arse out of the engine. It's happiest between 8-11k rpm but will pull from 5 grand no bother

    Plus the engine is retarded to reduce power in low gears usually.

    If your gears are indirect check/adjust your chain and make sure rose joints on selector rod are tight.

    I think it's your riding/gear selection not the bike mate.
  10. zeepony

    zeepony Active Member

    Mar 14, 2011
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    Err... one can do 90mph in 1st... i think there is a need for it!! :)

    Its just that you popped it into neutral - it happens. But i DID have a false neutral on the M3 once between 4th and 5th on a 09 Blade.
  11. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    So you think riding a litre bike round in first gear is the fastest, kindest, most economical way to ride/treat a bike?!

    You never noticed why gear ratios are so close? It's to keep the power in it's optimum range and allow the mid range of the motor to do it's work in it's most flexible range. Or never noticed why racers short shift of the line as soon theyre rolling?

    rolloff the throttle in first at 80mph will give engine braking like you hit a wall rather than let it free wheel in a higher gear and upsetting the bike less and carrying more speed.

    Come out of the hairpin at croft in first and I will come out in 2nd and I bet I beat you to clerveux. While your going from first to second gear you could have used the torque to pull you out. While your waitin to get the bike picked up and kick a gear you could be in the right gear 50 metres ago and use the engine to do the work.

    1st gear is for walking speed and that's it.
  12. zeepony

    zeepony Active Member

    Mar 14, 2011
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    So the quickest way to get to 90mph is starting in 2nd?
  13. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    No its get the bike off the line and then kick it up as soon as your rolling.

    When your wheeling your not accelerating as quick as the bloke next to you who is over the tank with the throttle to the stop.

    Plus I'm on about handling as well as accelleration. The bike will be diving all over the place going round in 1st gear

    Go to your favourite hairpin and do it in first and repeat in a higher gear and tell me it wasn't quicker, smoother and less cheek clenching.
  14. zeepony

    zeepony Active Member

    Mar 14, 2011
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    What you are saying may well be true sir - but my point and post was that you can do 90mph in 1st - thats it - and to some (most of us) its enjoyable. To assume i ride in 1st and nothing else is rather silly. Like wise to bring economy and mileage into the thread. But as you did raise it, my response is that is personally, i buy a Honda because is a good value for money bike which you can thrash and it will take it. When mine eventually gets old, i'll go and get another one and sell mine for no less money than yours. Also, on-track, i tend not to think about fuel economy.

    I also find below 15mph, even in 1st, you have to feather the clutch - so thats some walking pace you have on you!*

    *The above is a personal opinion and no offense or irritation is intentionally sought. I wish no ill-feeling on my fellow forum members!
  15. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    Lol when did I mention fuel economy or value for money while on track?

    This thread is growing arms and legs here.

    Bottom line is going round in too low a gear is not the best way to get down the road. There's a difference between thrashing it for performance gain and thrashing it for the hell of it.

    And to go back to he original post - if your getting faulse neutrals between 1-2nd then spend less time down there, put it in a gear matched to the speed and you will be instantly quicker, smoother and your bike will thank you for it.

    The reason we all find a thou quicker than a 600 is that you don't have a power band of 12-15000 rpm but from 5-13000rpm
  16. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Last year in wet i nearly wrote my bike off by coging down an extra gear by mistake , Locking the back wheel and highsiding for an oncoming car. ( racing motocross from 6 helpped lol )

    I dont see how riding in first and second is possible unless your going pretty slow. lets just say we are doing the speed limit on a B road 60 MPH and we slam it in to 1st for a bend, i would imagine it will either send you over the bars or like me lock the back wheel, Either way not a good situation . however in traffic on my dailey commute i do find my self in 1st and 2nd upto about 30 maybe 40 MPH.
  17. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    No was just saying with gearing like that you could, not that I do. just saying lol

    And agree with my riding. just try harder
  18. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    I would say try less mate! Try not to ride it like a 600 and use the engines guts to drive you and you will be quicker and smoother instantly.

    Maybe The reason you don't like it when you throttle off is due to the massive engine braking yOu will get in he low gears/high rpm and he slipper clutch will be getting a pretty hard time too. Shifting to first and droppinghe clutch at speed sill havethe slipper clutch screaming.
  19. zeepony

    zeepony Active Member

    Mar 14, 2011
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    Wow, so 2nd is not possible now?! I do disagree with this as it all depends how tight the corner is.

    At 60 mph coming upto a tight b road bend, you brake - then put it down as you decelerate.. you wouldn't slam it straight into 1st. Again, this depends on how fast the corner is.

    By the way, here is a little quote from the Moto GP site describing the Le Mans circuit:

    "Le Mans is a tight track dominated by first gear corners that place the emphasis on late braking and hard acceleration, whilst rear end traction is also a key area. With the capacity to comfortably accommodate up to 100,000 spectators, the Bugatti circuit also plays host to the 24 hour truck race, the FIA GP2 Championship, French Touring Car and GT races."

    So, its really up to each individual on how they want to ride - again, no right or wrong answers.
  20. flatstickHRC

    flatstickHRC Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    Can't really use a Moro GP bike with traction control, anti wheelie, slicks and grippy asphalt as an example for riding on British be roads!

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