Fav track and why....

Discussion in 'Trackdays' started by Jimbo Vills, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Remal asking about what td to do next has got me thinking.... What are your fav UK tracks and why??

    My thoughts and order of merit are this :

    1) brands gp. Yes it's expensive but I think you get what you pay for. It's bloody epic, good weather and for me close to home which means other tracks deisel cost and time to travel cancell out the £225 cost for the day :) IMO you can't beat the history, experience and layout of the big circuit with the balls out back section and paddock hill will get you every single lap. It's a proper track!

    2) donny. Also a nice flowing track with everything you can want IMO, technical hairpins, fast back straight, craner curves is to die for and it's deceptively hard to get right. Love it.

    3) Silverstone. Only done one td but what a track and facility. You feel every bit the gp rider there. Garages are huge, but the track is bloody massive.... Can get yourself lost round there but had so much fun with the boys off here. Amazing day out.

    I've not done every track but :

    Oultorn - pissing down :( wanna try again
    Cadwell - good fun but don't think suits my style
    Angelsey - big wish list track
    Brands Indy - isn't worth travelling for td but is epic racing
    Snet 300 - fantastic, good mix but a little flat

    So what's your view??
    #1 Jimbo Vills, Jul 4, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2014
  2. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Donny , why because its the only one I have ever been on lol
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  3. IcarusGreen

    IcarusGreen Elite Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    Having ridden Donny, Silverstone and Brnads so far this year I have to say Donny is my top choice because of the the selection of corners and undulating terrain.

    Fast 3rd gear right hander that builds into the drainer curves that are deceptively fast follow but he old hairpin that you can carry far more speed than you initial think through and then powering up to the Mcleans right hander where guys seem to crash..a lot. The v.short blast up hill to the following right hander that builds and builds and builds is fantastic followed buy a 6th gear straight with a lift of the front over the rise to a late entry into the foggy S's and a short blast over the hill to the off camber melbourne (elbow down ;) )hairpin and then a tight left around goddards, sliding the rear a bit whilst to get the power down for the straight.
  4. Mad Matt

    Mad Matt Absolutely Bonkers Mad...

    Jan 11, 2014
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    Silverstone, its the only track that I've done a full day on and what a time we had, decking fantastic. I never slept for 4 days just thinking about it....

    Will be trying them all next year....
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  5. abv

    abv Active Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    UK - Brands Hatch GP no question best track I've ever done. The history just adds to the atmosphere.

    Not big fan of Silverstone you can get agoraphobia round there. Makes the 750 feel slow maybe I need to try it on a thou.

    After that I'd go abroad. Love Portimao, Spa and I'll let you know about Mugello in a couple of months time :p
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  6. And7rp2

    And7rp2 Elite Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    oulton park, nearest track to me but what a track fab
    brands hatch gp.....epic track and i get chance to spend some time with my adopted southern shandy drinkin puff mates ;)
    donnington park fast fast fast
    cadwell park i cant wheelie to save my life but the mountain helps
    silverstone whheerrree the fooook does the track gooooooo !! got a bit lost its so wide but fast
    mallory for the history but nowt much else last chicane is a ball ache
    angelsey on the 'to do list'
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  7. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Having only done Cadwell and Blyton on a bike I would have to opt for Cadwell as it is a lot more technical.

    Hope to do some more next year, probably Donny and/or Mallory as they are closest.
  8. sinewave

    sinewave God Like

    Jan 12, 2013
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    I'm told this is a laugh!


    Will find out in November!

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  9. Jase

    Jase Elite Member

    Jul 17, 2012
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    Has to be Oulton park then Cadwell for me .

    Oulton Park-Done so many trackdays it feels like my second home only 30 mins for me and always know a load of people that are there ,it really has the whole package technical ,fast flowing corners just love the place just a shame we aren't racing there this year ,the only downside the MSV staff there are mostly knobs(IMO) and can be a pain to get through noise testing unlike other msv run tracks especially the short arse guy with blond curly hair who I think was bullied at school :D

    Enjoyed Silverstone bloody huge track but as Jimbo said one of those tracks that makes you feel like a moto GP star similar to how Jerez makes you feel which by the way J is epic and can't wait till we get there.:D

    Donny another awesome track probably number 3 for me and the first time you ride it and come on to Craners it's breath taking .:D

    Brands Indy I really enjoyed even though I crashed:eek: and it does suit my riding style as I do love the technical tracks that keep you busy on the bike very similar to Cadwell where you don't have much time to breathe but I wouldn't travel there just for a trackday as it's a long way .

    Brands GP bloody awesome track and expensive only been once and had a few sessions in the dry then it rained but would love to spend a day there in the dry and anyone that does it I bet you duck when you see the low bridge.:eek::D

    Cadwell had good results there when racing and it's the only race meet I finished with no breakdowns and no crashes:eek: but love the track it's a marmite track (some love it some hate it)but it really is like been on a roller coaster very technical and keeps you very busy on the bike ,I also enjoyed been set up on the grass with the generator going a real club racing feel if you know what I mean .:D

    Snetterton -only did a trackday there as my first race meet was a nightmare a really big balls circuit and I know one Jimbo will remember for the right reasons been his first race meet and me I will remember for the wrong reasons another long way to travel but would rather go to donny or Cadwell .

    Jerez -My first European trackday and back there again in November and my first time on slicks the weather was perfect and the track was just epic and the alien type race control building above the front straight is just awesome.
    #9 Jase, Jul 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
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  10. jamesm09

    jamesm09 Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2012
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    Its got to be Mallory for me. It's my local track which helps and not getting up at stupid O clock to get a garage because there aren't any lol. May not be the longest or most technical but it always puts a smile on my face going through the devils elbow!!

    I never get on with Cadwell Park. Only done two days there. Maybe it's just a case of doing more days there!

    On the to-do list is Brands GP and Indy. Paddock hill looks amazing on the TV. Knock hill, has anyone done it? Bit of a trek from Leicester.
    #10 jamesm09, Jul 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
  11. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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  12. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Cadders for me too.
    In car i've done Silverstone, Donnington, Rockingham and Bedford Autodrome.
    On bike i've done Cadwell, Silverstone and 3 laps of Knockhill on the Scotland trip.

    I may be biased as Cadwell is only half an hour away and i know you need to take your own power for the warmers, but:-
    There's no such thing as a noisy day. Every day is noisy as they're in the sticks.
    Masses of viewing areas and you can almost drive all the way around the outside of the track to view.
    Good facilities.
    Never too busy (can be a pain queueing to sign on at some tracks).
    Very reasonably priced.
    Oh yeah, great track and of course The Mountain
  13. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Anglesey amazing when warm and dry. the Silverstone in the wet.

    I liked Donny and pembrey but the first 2 are top of my list
  14. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    to add to this now many of you have picked the closest track to you?

    I have found many I know always pick the track this is close to them as their Favourite. No idea why
  15. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    Closest track normally equals more tracktime, that's why
  16. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    And less time Sunday driving, spending the entire journey looking behind you
  17. HRCTrev09

    HRCTrev09 Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Knockhill not just because it's in pissing distance from me but also it is an epic track and loved by majority of BSB contenders who love it for it's club circuit feel! It's short, aggressive, and sweet ;) It also has history too with the world's finest racing there at some point! Joey Dunlop, Sheene,Hizzy obviously!!. even Casey (moaner) Stoner has cut his teeth there! I've ridden it in anger and Duffus Dip is an eye opener (mini corkscrew) I think it's amazing with the only negative being our fine or lack of fine Scottish weather BUT when conditions are right it's an absolute blast :D
  18. lexwon

    lexwon Active Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Cadders is my no 1 coz its like a roller coaster, technical and demanding.
  19. Wozza

    Wozza Elite Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    Good wood as on the door step fast and flowing and all pristine!
    Mallory hated as poor condition and like a go cart track, castle Coombes ok bumpy but like a mini good wood but brands GP is the one would like a whirl round Donny.
  20. scooby

    scooby Elite Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    oulton,whats not to like,fast,gradients,big ball corners
    croft,fast bumpy and fast...
    donnington,very smooth flowing track,not fussed about melbourne loop though.

    in the UK.

    jerez or Val de vienne


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