Hey every one thought Id bang some random pics up that I've took over the past few years got 15,000 on the drives haha so lots to choose from heres a few anyway be interesting to know what you all think View attachment 6846 View attachment 6847 View attachment 6848 View attachment 6845 View attachment 6844 View attachment 6849 an sein its a blade forum my baby an some wildlife haha For all the gear heads canon 1D Mark IIn with the 500mm L IS F4 and the 1.4x converter any way Ill stop prattling on haha The Emergence by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr Steele_071027_0311.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Steele_071027_0197.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr Steele_070127_3477.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
Steele_061115_0959.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr Steele_070264_1258_2.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr Steele_061001_721.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr Steele_060911_0498.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr
You bugger Tom. You pulled out your top trump deck. What can I say about Emergence that hasn't been said already except you're a git. Lol.
loool kpone yup hahha an thanks dude Thanks guys fingers crossed I can make more money at the litho printing than I did photography gonna be an exciting year next year, and I can't wait to try some fun photography again always think my best were taken back then
few more took these ones in 2006 years ago when me and dad went to view the new speedmasters deciding what to spend on next haha happy memories my mate Kev one of the Heidelberg engineers that works on the Heidelberg Litho presses at my dads place really do love printing How I felt about digital a few months back imho pants quality compared to litho and nearly every company that has put them in has gone under the hidden charges are imense and the quality and speed will never compare to a litho press at our place we have 3 top of the range heidelberg speedmasters and a top of the range digital photocopier refuse to call them presses haha so pretty qualified to comment, no offense intended to anyone thats got/runs one just how i feel bout our end of the industry ill stop prattling haha loved this something we always keep thinking about doing but neons in a colour correct environment not a good idea haha flipping heck lol me looking all serious haha at 17 something a bit more interesting after my mugshot haha bit of a photoshop i did up the cat and fiddle for a ancient college project my mate doing an excellent job of running my rmz250 i had in for me lol really miss the motocross even though I was useless at it haha an my cousin running it in my poor bike haha no need for goggles when ur that quick
the old man borrowin my cousins gear he actually got round finningly gp track without falling off on his first go and got a bit of air over the jump manchester itallian walks amazing to see an experience for sure
Thanks lads bit of new action picked up a hassy so gave it a test today all hand held at around 1/20sec gotta be a human tripod haha Manchester Bike show event city 2013 - a set on Flickr
Your pics are brilliant so clear. The lens has gone on my camera, £80 to fix or buy a new camera so I think its time to splash out on a new one. My present camera is a Panasonic DMC-TZ3, good camera but things have moved on so much since I bought it 10 years ago so I think a new upto date camera will win out.
Gixerlc - is that your real name on Flickr? If it is its a top name, has anyone ever asked if you're a secret agent or porn star with a name like that?
yup Id go for an update jane so many great bargains to be had right now an icarus haha yup it is LOOOL an yeah haha get that all the time runs in the family haha Tom
Hi everyone just got round to giving the shots a quick process after today hope you all enjoy and it was great to meet a few of you be interesting to know what you all think as I was trying a new system out Tom alot more pics on the flickr 58 in total ^_^ to many to put here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tomsteelewildphotography/sets/72157633073776704/ A0001981.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr A0001800.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr A0001906.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr A0001862.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr A0001789.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr A0001761.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr A0001818.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr A0001811.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr A0001962.jpg by Tom Steele Wildlife Photography, on Flickr g][/url]