Well as its christmas and no hand car wash open this afternoon.I looked at our old girl (x5) and thought about giving her a clean.She has not seen soap for 4 months bless her.I know she is a 4x4 but she still should be clean.Went to get the hose out, the jetwash and bucket/ sponge and looked at em all and thought fuck it I will get wet with this lot.So I went indoors and had another brandy.Whilst sitting there I remembered the waterless cleaner with 2 microfibre clothes I was given to try by a rep.Lets just say I was gobsmacked.The bloody stuff did more than what it said on the tin 1/4 used and it took me 10 yes 10 minutes to do.My missus said when I came in with the lot "I bet you did just the tailgate and thought better of it".I told her to have a look at her car.The silly bitch went out there, came back and said" you must have taken it to a carwash".I asked her for the keys which were still in her pocket.Nuff said. Its called bodyshield pro and I'm ordering some in.approx tenner a bottle.Great stuff.
I can imagine you would scratch the hell out of the paint with a waterless cleaner. I haven't cleaned my car over winter, I just go over it with the powerwash once a week to get rid of the salt/main grime.
No scratches whatsoever.The shine it leaves is very good.The rep had a brand new black c class merc he demonstrated on the bonnet but it was nowhere near as dirty as mine.If you see it in a car shop try it.If you are not satisfied take it back.The rep gave me a sample to try.I have no qualms in selling it when it comes in.He did offer me a sale or return basis too.
Is that not the stuff that was on one of those shopping channels that Tiff needell and Penny Mallory were plugging. Looked like decent stuff
Endorsed byTiff with his mug on the front.I was sceptical using it, but it is very good stuff. I used just a quarter of a bottle on a very filthy car and cannot believe the job it has done.
I keep a bottle of meguiars speed detailed in the boot for bird shit and it works really well. Some kind of lube in it seems to resist scratching.
Muck-Off is pretty good too.............be it a bit expensive to waste on a cage but needs must some times!