Well decided to book Cartagena in February few hottrax lads going hopefully get a good 3 days on track never done it before so a bit worried about what to take how to pack but looking forward to 3 days on track with blade
you'll need to packa bit lighter than usuall as the stillages are a bit tight,you'll get everything you need on them,but a bit of carefull planning is needed,you'll struggle with a big tool box/bag. it helps a lot if you are sharing a stillage with a mate as you can load+pile everythijng on without worrying too much if the other person is going to get arsey that he has a bag on his bike etc..
I think /hoping tyke can get on board then I'll wail everything on his bike ha ha . Think little tool bag spare wheels my kit and some clothes travel light on the plane hopefully already sorted hire car
Do it, it's great to have three consecutive days on track to learn it and try different things. You will see a big improvent from your 1st to last sessions.
Time may be a problem next year, as I have a lot to do. Moving house and job again, plus I need to make an honest woman out of the girlfriend for some reason ??
Yeah tell me about it. I turned up with my rear tyre on the wear limit, my chain too loose/tight, can't remember which, and my brake lever was catching something at about 3/4 of the lever travel it wasn't til the second day some else noticed! I'm supposed to be a mechanic aswell not a very good one lol