looks good , use a cover on the light so the camera doesnt pick it up for better effects,also coloured light lenses also add an extra effect
looks good , use a cover on the light so the camera doesnt pick it up for better effects,also coloured light lenses also add an extra effect
pic 1 and 3 i used an led light bar that was a bit awkward to cover, pic 2 i used a a regular torch, but i think i'll use this one again, but put a bog roll tude around it to hide the light. the method? mounted the camera on a tripod to keep it still and kept the shutter open longer. i'm no photographer, i just like to have a little play
Good pics - with a bit more practice they could be perfect. Just need to experiment with light source and exposure to hide the blurries...
when I do bikes/cars I like to just to flashes as well without moving the light, adds a different effect. this is only a 6" model and a pen torch but you get the idea of what it comes out like...of course it looks better on the real thing lol.