First bus driver scam

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dave d, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. dave d

    dave d Elite Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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  2. Nutty Tart

    Nutty Tart Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    It's good to see that they are looking into these staged crashes a lot more closely. After all it effects all our insurance premiums .
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  3. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    This crap has been going on for years with "The usual suspects" setting up these phoney claims company's and for some unknown reason managed to scam for ages .Example a subcontractor who works for us has a pick up and trailer not massive but can carry a walk with Tarmac Roller .After work one night he left site and at a busy roundabout a taxi waved him on and then set off and managed to scape the bumper or something minor The driver " Asian" stopped and said he would get a price off a mate to repair and then would agree the bill .The guy driving the pickup thought better of it and said he would let the insurance companies tough it out .Roll on 14 months and after his premiums hit the roof he found out that the taxi driver had been paid out 18 Thousand pounds how the hell does this get past insurance assessors and all without and discussion with the pickup driver .
  4. RichC

    RichC Active Member

    Nov 5, 2011
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    Plenty of traditional English names involved there..
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  5. Alblade

    Alblade God Like

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Does make you wonder how some groups have got fladh cars / houses etc.

    I hope everyone involved was checked by a tax inspector too.
  6. Alblade

    Alblade God Like

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Flash motors even....
  7. just_me _and _me _bike

    Jul 4, 2013
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    Im sure there are many " other " groups of people you could ask the same question about... No????

    and surely your not saying all these " type " of people who have these flash cars and houses only get them from doing this sort of crime?? Wot about the doctors, consultants, dentists, lawyers and the ones who have their own businesses ie: normally your local paper shop thats open from 6 - 11 every day so you can get that pint of milk latr at night or your fav paper, ( prob the sun ) first thing in the morning??

    You just gorra look at recent tv programmes like " shoplifter and proud " and " living off benefits and proud " to see all races n creeds have bad people in their midst not just " these " type!!!!!
  8. Jase

    Jase Elite Member

    Jul 17, 2012
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    I had a dodgy claim that went on for 4 years only one of my 16 passengers was claiming whip lash
    and Axa who were the underwriter instead of just paying them out dug there heals in and took it to court as they wanted to use it as a test case .January this year the case got thrown out of court in my favour , it turned out he had done 5 claims in as many years and even the judge seemed pissed of that this had even come to court as the lad was clearly full of shit.

    The problem you have there is so much money to be made in July this year we had a car pull out on one of my hummers clearly the other cars fault we had a witness , police report said we had right of way etc . I got a call the following morning of a accident management company offering me £500 per person just for me to give there number to any of my passengers that were in the limo . So that could of been £8k tempting for some people but not for me as when it comes to dodgy insurance claims I will not get involved as my insurance premiums are enough as it is without me adding to the already huge problem

    There have been 2 occasions where I was involved in an accident non fault and I could of made a dodgy claim and didn't , I had one third party insurer say to me they couldn't believe I wasn't going to claim for any injuries when all I said was just pay for my car to be fixed as I wasn't hurt.

    I heard on the radio yesterday that the government are going to try and tackle the problem as it is out of control ,a lot of buses now have cameras fitted front ,back, inside and rear to try and eliminate dodgy claims .
    #8 Jase, Oct 25, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2013
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  9. just_me _and _me _bike

    Jul 4, 2013
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    Wasnt there a big issue couple yrs ago as it was the police who after attending the scene of an accident were the ones selling the information onto sum of these accident management claim compananies??!!! :confused:

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