Had a couple on incidents tonight where it came up with database error and also similar when trying to upload a photo from my mobile, anyone else had a similar problem?
Anybody else getting lots of database errors popping up? Couldn't even get to forum home page earlier tonight and now getting database errors when posting replys.
Yep, usually when logging in. Invalid redirect & then back to the login page. Works okay second time around.
Something like this Ramsay. This us the one I've been getting each time I attempt to log in. Allows me access second attempt.
Hmm... "Invalid Redirect URL " ... In my humble opinion this is not a database error, but a configuration problem by vBulletin. Correct URL set in: Admin CP -> Settings -> Options -> Site Name / URL / Contact Details -> Forum URL? PS: Found this on the vbulletin.org ..."I've found the problem on my forum, it was related to the "Always use Forum URL as Base Path" option. This was enabled, which meant that when people accessed the forum without the www. they would get a redirect error when logging in, but with the www. was fine. Now the option is disabled, both URLs seem to be working OK again. This problem did only show up with the very latest round of updates though so the behaviour of this option seems to have changed recently."... PPS: Delete your 1000rr cookies and the browser cache.
Have a look at your activity then match it up with your experience and something isn't right as shows my last post in experience as 20.40pm last night yet I've made 3 posts since then
I get that every time I log in. Works alright though if you then just click Forum from the top and go from there. I was getting the database errors when submitting posts last night however. Seems ok today.
Post are now showing on the experience part so looks like that's been resolved, haven't had problems logging in but am using Android phone
Seems to be working much better today. I talked to rob and looks like he's done something to sort it fingers crossed.