Funniest Commute Ever

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nick_BladeRR, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Nick_BladeRR

    Nick_BladeRR Active Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    Normally commuting to most of us is the mundane daily routine that means we can get to work to pay the obligatory bills. But I have to say this morning was probably the funniest commute I have ever had on a bike.

    So I'm riding down the A13 eventually getting to the filter zone and catch up with this bloke on a Pan European so I follow him through the traffic until it opened out a bit and filtering at speed was the order of the day. Still following him through when just before the junction with the A12 the traffic slows and we are back to filtering through stand still traffic still following this guy on the PE. Then just in front of him a silver focus changes lanes as per usual no mirror checks don't even think they signalled. The guy anchors up goes livid at the woman driver of this Focus I filtered through after him and she stayed well out of my way wonder if that was because she was more aware or because of the rumble from my Yoshi. Anyway further up the road the guy on the PE catches up to what can only be described as a blimp riding a scooter now the guy on the PE is already irate so when this blimp on the scooter fails to notice him in his mirrors the PE starts weaving wildly trying to get this guy to see him eventually the scooter moves to the right and then the guy on the PE gives him a right earful and they both sort of swing at each other but both miss. Then the guy on the PE just blasts off by the time I filtered past the guy on the scooter I was slumped over my tank pissing myself laughing I swear to god the guy on the PE was gonna shit he had the mother of all bad mornings today. Given that I've had those sort of mornings myself I had to sit back and laugh because that was probably what I looked like too.

    Guess you had to be there but you don't half see some proper funny sights on the ride in to work each day definitely for me the only way to travel.
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    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    Nice write up Nick,
    I got pissed off by a PE going to work every morning holding me up so I shot passed him when he slowed down filtering.When I got home I had a Policeman on a BMW bike outside waiting,coming to tell me to slow down.Nodded to him every morning after that.
    I miss my commuting badly.That special time of the day all to yourself.I had some great times then.Looking back at it all ,it was like play time.I think its time to move again minimum 1/2hr away me thinks.
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  3. Nick_BladeRR

    Nick_BladeRR Active Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    Thanks dude you make a good point seen a lot of unmarked PE's out there seems to be the weapon of choice from the bacon. You're right though its the perfect way to arrive at work generally relaxed and at ease and also the best way to finish off the day too where the stress of the office is just blasted away on the ride home. Sometimes it doesn't seem so fun in the pouring rain but even then I would far rather be on my Blade than crammed into an over priced and over crowded train that will doubt blow up at some point on the way home or the wrong type of rain will fall on the rails causing 7 light years worth of delay which only succeeds in adding to the stress heaped on by work.
  4. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    On the way home last night. One of the most horrible snarl ups is going around a roundabout with lights. You know the ones, the type that when the lights fail, the traffic flows better.

    There's a yellow box going all the way around it, so the bollocks about 'not entering a box if the exit is not clear' is just that, bollocks, because 270 degrees of the thing is invisible.

    There is one entrance to it that has about thirty feet infront of the lights and people will, inevitably, hop through the lights and sit, waiting to edge into the gridlock going all the way around.

    Anyway, having fought my way to it yesterday rush hour the geezer in front decides to stop, in between green lights, in a yellow box, to let the two cars sitting, waiting their chance, to feed in. Stranding everyone behind him, but especially me, as the clog in the drain.

    I'm not the most patient of people, at the best of times. In fact, if the most patient person spontaneously combusted, from where I am it would take a few minutes to see the flash. I leant on the horn and gesticulated through the windscreen that this chap should consider reviewing his decision to wave these cars through, and move forward in order to clear the blockage he'd created behind him.

    He took umbrage to this, and promptly shook off his seat belt and opened his door...

    Fair enough, I thought. It had been an annoyning day, so why not round it off, so I opened my door and swung a leg out too.

    At this, I thing the guy in front must have suddenly realised he was causing an obstruction because he closed the door again and started to move off.

    After a half hearted attempt (about 2 mph) to brake test me, he then continued for the next half mile or so to determinedly 'not' look in any of his mirrors at me glaring at him from behind. Merging traffic put a van between us at this point and when we got to the next roundabout where he was going around but I was taking the first exit, I heard Jeanette snarl out of the corner of her mouth, "Don't you f*****g dare follow him".

    So I had deaf and dumb breakfast for the rest of the way home.
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  5. Nick_BladeRR

    Nick_BladeRR Active Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    Haha gotta love those have a go heroes! I do love that they give it the biggun until they are offered out then suddenly their testicular fortitude promptly evaporates along with their presence.

    Always reminds me of the time I saw another biker and a cager having a set to at the roundabout where the A2 meets the M25 in fairness I don't think the biker knew anything about it until this fat sales rep comes running from his Audi and clocks the biker up the back of lid. The biker didn't move he just slowly turned his head round to see this fat sales rep holding his hand and pegging it back to his car was most amusing to watch. Wasn't until that day that I clocked well I'm wearing a full suit of armour so wherever they hit me won't hurt me as much as it hurts them.
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