Gas, gas, gas

Discussion in 'Trackdays' started by scratcher, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. scratcher

    scratcher Active Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I just wanted some advice on my track riding technique please. I take my blade to about 3-4 track days a year and run well in the intermediated group. I feel I have good body position with reasonable lines when nobodys in the way. I understand about feeding on the power keeping it nice and smooth.

    My question is about confidence in putting gas on exiting the corner. 95% of the crashes I see are form people low siding on corner entry. Do you get any warning that you have to much power down? I just want to find the limit without coming off. I have had the back end step out plenty of times taking it slowly in the wet but never in the dry.
  2. robinh73

    robinh73 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    This is something that will come with time and practice. One key thing is to hang off the bike as much as possible, to the point where it feels ridiculous. You want to be peering round the screen, effectively in line with your hand on the bars. This does allow you to get your centre of gravity lower, enabling you to get on the gas sooner. As I say, keep working at it, don't make massive changes all at once and it should start to come over time. Are you running stock suspension or not? This will also make a difference. Get the bike set up for your weight and again this will help. Running uprated suspension will help massively, as I found out to my expense a few meetings ago.
  3. navvy10

    navvy10 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    I try to get the bike as upright as possible before pinning the power even if it means staying leant off the side with my weight while pushing the bike upright. I have found tyre pressure is the most important with this as when I went out with too much air my back end was squirming around all over the place on corner exit under power.

    As Rob mentioned its all about getting the feeling for what the bike is happy with and lots of practice ;)
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  4. scooby

    scooby Elite Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    tbh if your low siding going into the corner thats nothing to do with throttle,thats either trailing too much brake,too much speed (but off the throttle) or chucking it on it's side to hard.

    as for powering out of the corners,as long as your not ham fisted and it's dry,you will feel the rear squirming for grip before it lets go and high sides you,just be smooth and feed the power rather than going from closed to full power in 1 go.thjen as you get more feel and confidence in the bikes grip,try applying power earlier,or harder (not both at same time at first though).
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  5. Ritchierich

    Ritchierich Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Check out a video on "You Tube" it's called "Twist Of The Wrist 2" by Keith Code, very good tutoral video and a MUST WATCH if you want to go quicker on the track.
  6. Skippy79

    Skippy79 Active Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Put your head where your mirror is meant to be, I mean align with where the mirror is meant to be ;)

    Can't find the I'm with stupid smilie :D :D, but what Scooby says sums it pretty much up.....
    Low siding it sucks, as I've done it several times, and there's one time that was none of the above, I just put it down to a crap front tyre :D :D
  7. Yorkshire Tyke

    Yorkshire Tyke Elite Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    Just don't do what the guy in inters did yesterday at cadwell at gas it out the assembly area, high side, and land face first on the track for his sighting lap!
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  8. RichC

    RichC Active Member

    Nov 5, 2011
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    We lost the full session to that lol. Smashed his engine casings and oil all over the braking point for Hall Bends. Everyone was really impressed. Narrt.
  9. navvy10

    navvy10 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    That's the kinda footage you gotta get on your bike cam :D

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