Hairy Biker in life-or-death operation on brain aneurysm

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Beckers, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. Beckers

    Beckers Elite Member

    Aug 18, 2011
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    I missed this, poor guy.

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  2. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Oh dear, what a shame, great guy.......I did read somewhere he was taking a load of blood pressure tablets.........hang on a minute.....oh shit, did I get my will witnessed and counter signed.
  3. arthurbikemad

    arthurbikemad A very helpful Gent

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Sad story and hope he makes it back to normal, my mother had the same only twice or more in 2007 at the age of 57, the first one basically removed 2/3 of her memories and what was left is only bits of who she was. I have been down to visit her again tonight as once again the doctors have warned us (the kids) that the time maybe soon that her body will give up, please don't have any sympathy for me as I am not the one who has suffered so much, my mum has had such a shit deal for someone who has done nothing to no one, drunk nothing, smoked nothing just lived a simple life only to be befriended by some evil bitch of a woman, ripped off for all she had and then left in 2007 as she is now, in a care home and often like now shipped in and out of hospital as her brain and body keeps shutting down.

    All I will say to add to the above is IF there is a God, when my time is up, wether I go up or down I will crawl from the depth of Hell to give you a square kick in the balls for all the suffering you have given my Mum. A f@cking men.
    #3 arthurbikemad, Sep 26, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2014
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  4. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    My wifes sister had an aneurism, sadly she didn't make it, and she died 30 odd years old.
  5. Beckers

    Beckers Elite Member

    Aug 18, 2011
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    So sorry to hear that Si
  6. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Awful Arthur... question are you doing??? Everyone needs a hug sometimes mate.

    It seems hell is truly on earth mate. The shit i've seen regarding best friends and family in the past 20 years, i wonder, sometimes, that i haven't gone doolally.

    I've given up pondering these sad times and actions as to "why?".....
    #6 Si., Sep 27, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2014
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  7. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Thanks mate. It has affected Em terribly, which has had an affect on all of us. Her parents, well..... they are shadows of their self...and have not been truly happy since...even with the birth of our 2 ..their only grandkids.

    I personally, could never get over it either.

    Every illness the kids have, every slight inclination of a headache.... Em fears the worst. But, it has made both of us very strong in the way of the "family unit" ..... and we bounce off each other.

    She tends to forgive everyone, but me... i don't suffer fools gladly. Life has shaped us that way. And, life is too short.

    one thing we both have learnt though, is not to be bitter. Life's really too short for that.
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  8. arthurbikemad

    arthurbikemad A very helpful Gent

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Sad story Si, I am ok thank you, deep down I am gutted but only as when I visit I see the pain she suffers by the hour, I don't shy away from it and thats half the problem with people in the UK today if you ask me, they stick their head in the sand as they don't wish to see any suffering, then they can put a smile on and ignore fellow man who may need some help now and then (not all are like that but most imo).

    I suffer headache all the time like my mum always has, however now she is unable to really put into words what or where her pain is...its tragic and very sad... When you see someone wired up gagging for air, turning blue and coughing up God knows what, relying on the staff around them to help them breath its shit, now it seems that sodium levels are gone to pot again and her liver is on the way out :( time will tell as she has recovered from VERY low temps etc before, thats the problem if you want to call it that with life, it does not pass away easy and hangs on for all its worth, despite the suffering. I can only hope that no matter what happens the suffering is kept as little as possible. But know what I am trying to say I guess..
  9. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I do.

    BUT, get yourself an MRI scan dude.... the symptoms may arise to nowt, but deep will be affecting you mate, and the thoughts will be there.
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