Hartside cafe ride out. How it went.

Discussion in 'Events, Meetings & Ride Outs' started by Garyb, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Got the weather report. And things are looking good.
    I managed to get fuel early doors, Windy was up and in his garage all things pointed towards a 09.00hrs set off.

    Bikes awaiting.



    Now, where's Bats?
    Hmm, still trying to tax his bike online. DVLA were having none of it.

    May as well have a coffee whilst waiting. Cheers Windy man.
    Note the snap on mug

    20 minutes later

    So all ready we all set off though Weeton, overwyre, Quernmore to Caton.

    Quick brew and a butty and talking Bollacks and then it's time to head towards Kirby Stephen.

    Quick fuel and cig stop and I notice this.

    Now ain't that a Fecking stone chip and a half.
    Oh well, it's only paint. ;)

    So we set off towards Alston had a mint run over the tops. I am feeling really at peace with the blade. It's fantastic in too many ways to list

    So we arrived at Hartside Cafe.

    It was bloody cold.

    After out little stop we then headed down the other side into Cumbria onto the A6 over the Shap to Kendal back into Caton and then home.
    Total miles. 217
    Total fuel around £40
    Look on my face. Priceless

    Sure more pics will be added as they appear.

    Cheers guys and girls.
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  2. Bats

    Bats Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    Was a top day gazza!! some good riding i will put a few on here i took nothing special like but i took 2 of blades wonder if the owners are on here ;)
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  3. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Oops. Forgot the bikes at Hartside. How could I do that!


    Batts gets friendly with Windy


    After the stone chip spotting ;)


    See. Happy ;)
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  4. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Hope not I'll be posting some L plates out :D
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  5. Bats

    Bats Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    Handles like a dream :)

    Gazza with stone chip booooo!

    Mr windy,s

    Up at alston!

    Pair of puffs making me lead all bloody day for a change!

    Its a cafe!!

    Notice no hugger!

    And its not cos i am a fat mofo cos gazza,s did it also!!
  6. Bats

    Bats Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    Not bad weather but it was bitter cold brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

    Anybody on here?

    Anybody on here?

    And here she is all washed and off to sleep ready to wake for her custom map on thursday :)
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  7. Bats

    Bats Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    O and 2 guys hassled us abit between alston and hartside so i made em look silly :)

    And a artic nearly wiped a camper with smart car out and we had ring side seats was proper scary!!

    Gazza tell em about it cos i am gonna chill now ;)
  8. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Just a note on the stone chip boys .After market paint /custom paint seems to be very soft i know because i have had 3 reps and all got splattered within weeks its worse when you ride fast and in a convoy the only way out is venture shield idealy fitted at the bike shop prior to lift off!! It looks like a number board will have to go over the chip as i would think by the time it is filled and painted you are into a load of dosh .I had a chip on a white wheel and sent to Dream machine for the paint and the objective was to carefully fill up the chip bit at a time with a cocktail stick or a piece of kitchen roll really screwed up tight so the end was similar to the pointed end of the cocktail stick dip into the paint put the smallest dab on and wait and do again it wasn't great but it was on a wheel .Sorry but either get the film on or be prepered for a peppering its all very sad and i have had to flog two good reps because of this. Hope it helps.
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  9. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Well, let's do it in order then.
    We were going down towards the A6 where we go straight over to go onto Quernmore. About the last mile we got behind a camper towing a smart car. Now wether or not the driver was more concerned about us? But he totally missed a stop sign and turned left onto the A6, followed by the blasting horn of a 44tonne truck. The driver of the wagon Big respect where it's due, I have since emailed Steve at EVTS Poulton and asked him to pass on our acknowledgement to the driver. But if there had been something coming the other way? It would have been another story.

    As for the two guys hassling bats and windy. Well same old story world over I guess, men with small dicks trying to use their bike as an extension. I'd already gone on a bit of a solo, mainly because I took no heed of the gentleman that shouted something about police?????? :D
    After a few miles, and coming to reality I slowed down and a couple of minutes later two VFR's windy and bats come past at a speed I'd just slown from;) So basically we all had a bit of a dog fight up to the top. Mint it was.
    Especially as the owners of the VFR's thought it would be like taking candy from a baby when they passed us ;)
    I dare say, the look on their faces when we saw each other "in the flesh so to speak" was sheer relief it was over.
    Well, they soon scuttled off soon as we said we were going;)
  10. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Thanks for the advice Givover. Lesson learnt.
    I'm not too wounded. Hazards of the game I guess?
    Were you spying on us?
    I'm paranoid now, you mentioned convoy and traveling at speed in the same sentence ;)
    I'll get it sorted and then but the shield on. And keep away from the back. Think I'll go in front from now on.

    Rep Added. :)
  11. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Gary, Bats, bloody brilliant story, carrying on the weird weekend with a picture of the dark night smiling. I won't be able to sleep tonight for thinking of that.

    Thanks for sharing guys.

    I can't help but feel that bike tyres are more likely to throw chipping stones too. They're stickier than car tyres so they pick up more and the absence of body work or long hugger throws them further. I back well off my mates now especially if the roads been recently dressed.
    #11 kpone, Apr 1, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2012
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  12. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    its not just rep paint thats shite (i cant confirm nor deny that but going on what Giv Said) i think the blades nose cones are generally poor... i've had two done in from stone chips.

    2nd ride out after replacing the 1st...

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  13. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Thanks for sharing Jimbo, Im pleased I'm not alone. Givover quite rightly summed it up riding in convoy and speed will do this every time.
    I've washed her today and I can say the lower part of belly pan hasn't faired much better. But I knew the price to be paid and if I wanted to keep it pristine I should have left her in the shed.
    So I will follow the advice given.
    I shall get the chips redone, or complete respray at the end of the season on the nose cone and put a shield on it

    I have thought about one of those big clear balls you see guys throwing themselves off hillsides and put the bike inside that :D
  14. Givover

    Givover God Like

    Jul 28, 2011
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    just had a thought i now normaly ride solo (nobody will have me) but thinking back besides the peppering (pre Ventershield dayz) i was in front of a mates R1 and i took his radiator out and another time i had a brand new ZX10 and another nugget in front of me on a Busa sent a hole straight through my mirror and i remember every time we stopped for fuel one of us would have a chip or two ,I have now on various bikes had the shield and although i do run solo there is always close combat to be had so i get my fill of bits flying about (Have one on my new helmet ) but the bike is fine .
  15. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Fast and in convoy is 90% of my riding lol... So it'll happen.

    Gutting when it happens but they are there for riding! So enjoy and worry about the little marks later...

    I will get mine shielded when it's repaired or if I get a new one, but this doesn't safeguard it 100%

    Dave v had some damage in France Friday and his has been venture'd
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