Got my self a nice set of 2nd hand Arrow headers to match my gp2 can which I'm gonna fit this week as the weather looks too wet for building work so I'm gonna camp out in the shed Does any one have any pearls of wisdom on this proceedure as manifolds studs can often be tricky. Also are they just push fit or do they require paste and will I need new manifold gaskets. All clips springs and fasteners are supplied. Thanks Rich
Spray liberal amounts of WD40 or Plusgas on the studs the night before you attack them If yur lucky they will all come off leaving the studs in place Mine didn't ..... 8 stayed in the head ... 4 came away I ended up removing all of them and replaced them with titanium allen head bolts Remember to use Coppaslip or similar when you fit them back on
I swapped mine out with a Yoshi header recently and not too bad. I took off right fairing and used a small ratchet spanner to losing the head bolts off. Mine weren't too stiff but had given them a blast with wd40 and left for an hour. The manual said just use the gaskets and not to use any paste so I didn't and not had any issues now 2months later. I also loosened the radiator so I could angle it out a bit to get a better reach. When fitting the new header is it vitally important to start tightening from one end and not from both sides equally or you will get some blowing from the head. So 1,2,3 then 4 or in reverse. Tell a lie I got fed up and removed both side fairings in the end!
Right I've got the fairings off......feck me there fiddly little twats. Removed the rad and drained so got proper access and have liberally drowned em in WD40 so tommorow I will carefully remove. Now the headers I can't make arse nor elbow of, they are arrow stainless with 4 pipes to manifold then two Y pieces one with a much more pronounced bend and a final larger Y piece with the mount and sensor. Does the more bent of the 2 smaller Y's fit to the upper or lower of the ends comming from the mount end. PLEASE PLEASE show me a pictureof them assembled the arrow site pic is bastid INVERTED.
At chuffing last got the bugger. The final Y shaped collector with the sensor has a up turned kink as upposed to the straight OEM ones. Now the GP2 can and middle pipe already has sensor fitted and slips straight on to oem straight collector so I'm gonna have to cut a bit off one or t'other so they meet up nicely.........any one got a clue as to which one to cut. Choice is new collector just before blanked off sensor or cut back to upturned section of mid pipe on the can ( remember no s bend on GP2 can) and move sensor to blanked off one on collector.
Everything stripped off fine....bonus. It seems that the arrow system bolts the gasket (if you could call it that more like a well machined piece of 15mm long double thickness pipe) via the bracket to the head. the only thing that seems to hold the pipes into the gasket are the springs which pull the pipe to the brackets........or am I missing something.
On my Yoshi header the gaskets use the head bolts to attach the header to the block as the gaskets pull them together as they tighten if that makes sense mate??
I cant help you mate i got stuck at removing the fairings, but i hope it goes well for you im sure someone will be along soon to help you out
Well thats it job done, will post pics when I fit the new prism can tommorow and the pc5 and k&n. Thats the first big job I've done on my blade and at the end there were no spare fasterners left on't workshop floor, and nowt broke......bonus Worst bit was fairing removal and refit. I would like to say a big thanks to all the advice and help that I have received made a daunting job quite manageable