
Discussion in 'Maintenance' started by stevekk, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. stevekk

    stevekk Active Member

    May 1, 2012
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    Hi all, My lovely 07 hrc is not so lovely anymore after a little mishap today. :mad:
    I had a little off and as a result I need to replace all the front plastics and side fairings.(also includes lights and whatnot)

    Now the problem is that the bike wont start and without having had the chance to have a proper look all I know is that the fuel pump is not priming and I dunno why.
    A few connections disconnected after the off, ie. the harness that plugs into the clocks and the connectors for the headlights but thats it. Once I plugged everything back in everything( clocks,lights,horn indicators etc are all working but the damn pump still wont prime and thats the only thing that I can see mechanically wrong:mad:

    Anyone any idea as to why that might be or what could I do to check/rule out damage to the pump.
    There is no visible damage to the ignition/hiss system but if that was in someway damaged could that cause the problem.

    What do I do folks:confused:
  2. ShinySideUp

    ShinySideUp Elite Member

    May 22, 2012
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    Sorry to hear about ur off hopefully it wont cost too much to put everything rite again! Main thing is your ok! the bike although we get attached is only metal,plastic,alloy and other bits thats can be repaired the squidgy bit on the top is harder to sort out!

    Without doin any checks on the bike you are kinda shooting in the dark looking for a diagnosis but first thing that springs to mind would be the main fuses have popped and thats where I would start if it was me.
    Was the bike still running while on the ground?
    Fuel tilt cutoff switch could also be a area to look at too these have been known to jam after a fall.
    Silly thing but is the kill switch on the bars set to on?

    But like I said many things could be a possible cause but until you check over the basics and rule them out you can be given dozens of reasons as to why she wont start.
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  3. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Again sorry to hear about your off mate!
    Not anything else to add really shiny seems to have covered it all. Maybe check the wires too the kill switch
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  4. masterblader

    masterblader Active Member

    Jul 27, 2011
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    Looks like the tilt switch in the cockpit is the culprit. Re set igntion all should be well hopefully!!
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  5. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    yup another vote here for the bank sensor jamming,
    its behind the clocks, sometimes a little tap with the
    back of a screwdriver sorts it out.
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  6. stevekk

    stevekk Active Member

    May 1, 2012
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    Sorry its taken me so long to come back to this folks, havnt really had the time to do anything bikewise or net wise for the last while. Turns out the problem anyway was the bank angle sensor as predicted, turns out it wasnt connected at all and was still located on the road I went down on:rolleyes: so once I went back for a look I found it under a car and brought it home and hey presto, she works:D

    Now Ive just got to sort the rest of the bike:(
    *Full set of fairings
    *headlight assembly
    *fairing stay bracket
    *clutch master cylinder maybe(not sure if can be repaired or not)
    *front brake lever
    *probably more I havnt realised yet

    Thanks man should have said in the original post that the bike was running but cut off when it went down and yeah I checked the kill switch first:D
    Wiring is fine thank feck just the tilt sensor cheers dude

    Reset ignition quiet a few times to no avail until I realised the tilt sensor wasnt even connected:(

    Tapped the clocks a few times as I wasnt sure where the sensor was located and thought it might be in the clocks, oops:confused:

    Thanks again folks, now I just have to try get the bike ridable again, doesnt have to be pretty for the time being just practical:rolleyes:
  7. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Its a black box mounted behind the clocks.on the fairing between the headlights
  8. martinowen

    martinowen Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Glad you got it sorted mate!
  9. stevekk

    stevekk Active Member

    May 1, 2012
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    Thanks man, found it....on the road

    figured out what was wrong alright but far from sorted so it is unfortunately.
    Full set of fairings
    fairing stay bracket
    Full headlight assembly
    Clutch mc
    Right engine mounting bolt
    and probably more i can't think of.

    All that from a spill of Less than 10mph

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