Are those new pop up advert!? No I don't want a Honda jazz... I'm on a bike forum? Well, least someone is making money out of our community!
Hm....pop up advert? I'm from 6am at work and been all the time on forum and didn't had even one pop up advert...
Nothing here with Chrome, but a banner on lower screen on Safari! I HATE how adverts get forced down your throat day in day out, TV, Internet all of them! Everywhere you look bloody adverts for shite you don't want or need, an one more thing maybe if insurance companies spent less money of fkin adverts we'd not have such high rates!! A holes the lot of em.. (can you tell they wind me right up!)
Hadn't noticed on here as only log in on my phone or iPad, but get a pop up every time I go on the motogp website even though I've ticked the box saying don't show me again
Not wrong mate! The reason I don't and can't handle .net! Having to guide the mouse around highlighted words for pop ups and all was the final cheese me off! I know the site has to make money to pay its way and God knows maybe I should pay something to help out as a free loading member. Man I feel grumpy as today, must be the thought of two solid months of Christmas adds! lol
Yeah i'm getting the same, if using Google chrome on iPhone to view the forum in full i have on the bottom of my screen 1. Honda Jazz 2. Honda SUVs There is no pop up when viewing from the PC +1 with a small donation to remove any ad's
Folk have also made a donation in the past I did a while back but not done since tbh. Get the advert banner at the top, that's fine, but this is just stupid as gets in the way.....
Hiya, Sorry guys I'm just testing out some new ads - they should be discreet like before and no pop ups. I'll need to fine tune them. Thanks, Rob.
Thankfully I normally use Tapatalk to view the forum on the iPhone which is completely add free, it also makes it far easier to read
If ur using an ipad or iphone or summat similar u cans top the pop up adverts from appearing by tweaking ur settings
And i thought u had to b a member of the site n contribute posts before u start advertising your stuff?? Has Honda Cars UK joined up??
I don't know what my phone is running but def can see them via I phone. The pics I put up are screen munches from my phone?