Excuse my ignorance but what is the relevance of the HRC badge? Noticed a few posts about it making reference to the bike having more power if it has a HRC badge.
It's not the badge that makes them faster mate....it's the bullshit the owners fart out occasionally that gives them a slight advantage...... downwind..... on a steep hill.....
It's a mod that some Repslow riders use to try and make their bikes as fast as black ones. At the same time it is something HRC riders try and trade for a purple powerband to achieve the same result
Ignorance forgiven.......all you have heard and read is indeed true, Honda bikes with the mighty HRC badge are indeed more powerful and faster. Honda aren't daft, they don't do this for aesthetical reasons. They are special and owner's of these special bikes are also special......and very very fast!
As a hallowed HRC badge owner, I can attest to the facts posted by the Most Honourable Sir PauloHRC. The badge does, in fact, make the bike faster than anything in the known universe.
Thanks Brad. I guess I'm 'duty bound' to respond to this. Was offline all yesterday suffering emotional trauma from @Lozzy creating havoc on one of my posts. The 'HRC' stands amongst Blade owners as does the 'Silver Lady' to Rolls Royce owners. Both are marques of quality and speed, the latter being of more relevance to this thread. It could be said that all Hondas are built the same, but the Honda factory is a shrine of pride. Employees recognise that any bike bearing the 'HRC' badge/decal, MUST be built to a higher precision with fewer tolerances than the general production. Consequently, the motor benefits from this personal attention and does generate more bhp, albeit minor. Naturally, Honda does not want to show immense gains on the HRC bikes, lest the sales of general production suffer. I could go on, but for the sake of saving non-HRC owners added dismay, I'll just leave it here.