Good afternoon all, I’ve upgraded my 2009 fireblade to a 2012 shock, but cannot now fit a carbon fibre hugger that I’ve purchased. I originally thought it was an error in the manufacture of the hugger but have since tried the original plastic one and that too does not fit. Do I need to upgrade to a 2012 hugger now that I’ve replaced the shock?
Yes correct. Or trim the carbon hugger abit where the rear shock res is. Some aftermarket huggers say they fit 08-16 this is maybe due to how they make them and abit of a bigger gap compared to honda originals and honda's aftermarket hugger. Everything else the same. Its just 12 shock has a bigger res
Thanks, your feedback is appreciated. Lesson learn, do research BEFORE purchasing a new carbon hugger at the same time as upgrading the shock.
Very simple job to trim it if you have a dremel. I did a plastic one once, from memory where the cut out is, trim off another inch and a half or so.